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It depends on the breed. Dwarfs only weigh 3 to 5 pounds while ragdolls can be well over 20 pounds. Mine is a mix of Siamese, Tabby, American Shorthair, and possibly Maine Coon. He weighs 16 pounds.

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Q: How large do cats normally tend to get up to?
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Consider the Dyson series for large carpeting. They tend to chew up very little carpet while still getting out dirt.

How big do munchkin cats get?

Cats come in many different sizes, so there's no single answer to how dig normal cats can get. Some types get very large and can weigh in around 18 to 20 pounds, while other breeds are much smaller and typically will weigh no more than 10 pounds.

How do you round up cats?

An easy and humane way to do it is to get food into a trap. Make sure that in no way that the cats could get hurt(make sure it's plenty large enough). If they are wild you can call animal control.

How much space do cats take up in a home?

It depends on how active the cat is, but usually most pet cats are free to roam most or all of a house. Cats, especially ones kept indoors, need a little space in order to run around, play, and exercise. Large scratching posts are ideal, but anything can be made for the cat to play on or in or around. When at rest, cats take up very little space as they curl up.