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Typically there is a 3-hour "window" in which to keep your regularly scheduled OCP time the same. If outside of that time frame, follow the instructions provided by your pharmacy or physician in regards to missed doses. Some medications will tell you to skip that days dose and take 2 pills at your regular time the following day, but these instructions vary from medication to medication so be sure to check with your physician or pharmacist to be sure.

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Q: How late can you take the pill From the time you usually take it?
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How late can you be in taking the pill is fifteen minutes okay?

It's generally recommend to take the pill at the same time everyday to maintain effectiveness.

What if you didn't take the pill at the right time but took it later on in the day?

If you took the pill but late its absolutely okay. If you missed a day then make sure you take two the next day but dont have sex if you didnt take the pill.

Is it bad to take your pill a few minutes late?

No, generally speaking you can take the pill within the hour that you normally take it. However seeing as the pill is a dose or hormones that your body grows acustomed to having it is ideal to take it as close to the same time everyday as possible. As for its effectiveness taking it a few minutes late will not change anything.

How late can you take the pill for it to still be effective?

You can take your birth control at any time that is convenient for you, as long as you take your birth control every day at the same time.

If you take a pill late one month will it decrease the effectiveness in the next month of pills?

Hi, If you take one pill a day late then this can have a effect for the next 7-14 days on how effective the pill will be during this time at preventing pregnancy for you. Because of this you need to use a condom for this time frame and also continue taking your pills one daily.

What happens if you're 30 mins late takin the pill?

A small amount of variation when taking the pill should not affect the outcome. You need to take the pill around the same time every day.

What if you normally take yhur birth control pill at 4 but you was 25 minutes late will that hurt anything?

no it will not hurt anything....just take it as soon as you remember and then take the next pill at the same time that you normally would

What if you take your birth control pill 30 minutes late?

I forgot for 5 hours one time and freaked out...the pharmacist laughed at me.

If you missed one pill and took it the next morning and took your next pill five hours late does this count as two missed pills?

It is good that you read the intructions but if you miss one pill an dthen take it next day it will not be a problem it happend to me . if you read the instruction they will tell you that after 12 hrs passing the time to take the pill you have more risk. but take the forgotten pill and the other one a regular time if it do not pass the 12 hrs.

When will birth control not work?

when you mis a pill, chances are that your birth control will not work as well as if you were to take it at the same time each day. antibiotics also can cause the pill to be less affective. so always use a backup method when you miss a pill, take a pill more than an hour late, or if you are on antibiotics.

What if you take the birth control pill 30 minutes late?

Yes, it is still OK. However, to achieve the highest percentage of reliability, it is advised to take the pill at the same time every day. The more varied the your schedule in taking the pill, the more you lower the pill's reliability.

Do you have to take the progestin-only pill at the same time every day?

With the progestin-only pill or minipill, you have to use a backup method for 72 hours if you take the pill more than three hours late. The progestin only pills, like Cerazette, Errin, and Micronor, are much less forgiving of irregular pill-taking habits.