

How leaves cool the tree?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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leaf of a tree have water on them always and when evaporation takes place it will cool the plant

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Q: How leaves cool the tree?
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How can you describe a tree?

tree: attractive , male(fruitless) , female , admirable , flowering , evergreen ,terrific

Why are leaves need for a tree to grow?

The leaves are needed as the tree lives by photosynthesis, which is the conversion of light energy into chemical energy. The sunlight is the energy source caught by the leaves and turned into oxygen and carbohydrates such as sucrose, glucose and starch. Kind of cool when you think about it isn't it ?

The tree which has largest leaves?

A Tulip Tree has the largest leaves.

What do tree leaves eat?

Oak tree leaves do not eat.

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Their leaves are opaque there protect us from direct sunlight, that being a reason a tree has a shadow, that keeps us cool during hot weather.

Number of leaves on a tree?

On a mature healthy tree there are about 200,00 leaves

Why are you cool under a tree?

A tin roof transmits the heat and a shed keeps the heat in. A tree is made of an insulating material, it's outside so the heat isn't trapped in the same way and the tree is transpiring, releasing water all the time from its leaves, which helps keep the air cool.

Does a Christmas tree have leaves?

No, a conventional Christmas tree is a small fir tree and has needles instead of leaves.

Is a moose eating tree leaves predation parasitism or conmmensalism?

it is parasitism since the tree has only so many leaves. eventually the tree will not survive because there are no leaves on the tree.

Is it tree leaves or tree leafs?

It is one leaf or many leaves

Which have bigger leaves banana tree or horse chestnut tree?

A banana is not a tree but a herb. The banana leaves are bigger than the horse chestnut leaves.

What way do the leaves face on an eucalyptus tree or gum tree point?

Leaves on a eucalyptus tree point downwards.