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The process through which a seller persuades the customers to buy the poducts or services . Or

to understand customers problems

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Q: How legislation would effect personal selling?
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How does mcdonalds use personal selling?

"Would you like fries with that?" "How about a premium roast coffee?"

Why would personal testimonies be used in a cause and effect essay?

In a cause-and-effect essay, personal testimonies might be used as anecdotal evidence, that is as examples to prove or disprove the effectiveness of a cause.

What is a quasi-legislation?

It's like "secondary legislation" but its not binding like REAL legislation such as established Acts. For example, its laws that a local government would make. These "laws" can only regulate that local community but they do not have any binding effect on the city/state/nation.

What is similaries and differences between primary and secondary legislation?

1. The relationship between primary and secondary legislation is as follows; Primary legislation is laws passed by the UK's legislative and secondary legislation are those of which are delegated and made by personal under the authority within primary legislation. Primary and secondary legislation can be seen in Act of Parliament therefore they are statutory instruments. The law could be altered as the Act would give requirement for delegated legislation.

What is the difference between Personal Selling and Direct Selling?

Personal Selling- Delivery of a specially designed message to a prospect by a seller, usually in the form of face-to-face communication, personal correspondence, or a personal telephone conversation. Unlike advertising, a personal sales message can be more specifically targeted to individual prospects and easily altered if the desired behavior does not occur. Personal selling, however, is far more costly than advertising and is generally used only when its high expenditure can be justified. For example, the marketing of a sophisticated computer system may require the use of personal selling, while the introduction of a new product to millions of consumers would not. Two other forms of personal selling that are not used with high-end products are door-to-door selling and home demonstration parties. These two personal selling methods are primarily used for personal care products, cosmetics, cookware, encyclopedias, books, toys, food, and other items of special interest to homemakers. Ideally, personal selling should be supported by advertising to strengthen its impact.Direct Marketing- Direct selling is the marketing of products or services to consumers through sales tactics including presentations, demonstrations, and phone calls. It is sometimes also considered to be a sale that does not utilize a "middle man" such as a retail outlets, distributors or brokers. This is needed where the products value like in insurance, needs more explanation and cannot be purchased off the shelf.

What is a quasi legislative?

It's like "secondary legislation" but its not binding like REAL legislation such as established Acts. For example, its laws that a local government would make. These "laws" can only regulate that local community but they do not have any binding effect on the city/state/nation.

If you leased expensive equipment for your business in your business name would it effect your personal credit file?

It shouldn't unless business and personal funds were commingled or a personal credit card was used when making business transactions.

Why is legislation important?

Legislation means "the passing of laws". Laws determine what you are allowed to do in life so "legislation" is important to people.

When will congress vote on 5 day delivery of mail?

This is not something that Congress has to vote on. However, there is a lot of opposition to the idea- if it goes into effect, I would expect Congress to at least consider some legislation about it.

What is the difference between primary legislation and delegated legislation?

Primary legislation is the legislation which has been passed by elected leaders, such as Parliament or Congress. Delegated legislation is rules and regulations which is set by the civil service, which cannot override Primary Legislation. For example, a piece of Primary legislation may allow a government agency to set regulations for something. These regulations would then be a type of delegated legislation.

Where can I find information on the best selling vehicles?

If you would like to find information the best selling vehicles of today, you can look at certain Auto-based websites, such as MSNBC, even the Express Tribune. Many websites will carry this information, but I suggest using a site that you have had personal experience with.

Is legislation a noun?

Yes it is a noun For instance if you said: "The legislation passed today will be signed into law tomorrow" this would show how it is used.