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That is called the dielectric constant, also the square root of the relative permittivity.

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Q: How light propagates through a material is given by the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum to the speed of light in that material. What is this ratio called?
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What equation is used to determine speed of light through material?

Speed of light in a material = c / (refractive index of the material) . ' c ' = speed of light in vacuum = 299,792,458 meters per second.

Why there is no sound year like light year?

The velocity of light in vacuum is a universal constant. A light year is the distance travelled at that velocity in one year. To define a sound year it would be necessary to also specify the precise characteristics of material it is being propagated through. A vacuum won't do, since sound doesn't travel through a vacuum.

How many tons in 280000 gallons?

That depends on the density of the material. For example, 280,000 gallons of a perfect vacuum have a mass of zero tonnes.That depends on the density of the material. For example, 280,000 gallons of a perfect vacuum have a mass of zero tonnes.That depends on the density of the material. For example, 280,000 gallons of a perfect vacuum have a mass of zero tonnes.That depends on the density of the material. For example, 280,000 gallons of a perfect vacuum have a mass of zero tonnes.

Which extracellular material is found in ligaments and tendons?

The space between cells can be called the extracellular space, the extracellular material, or the extracellular matrix. This space is not a vacuum; it is filled with material. If the material is gel-like it is called the ground substance, which is filled with many dissolved solute particles, and the tissue will be loose. If the material in the extracellular space has some fibers of protein in it, the entire tissue will have a stronger consistency.

What is Radiation actually?

Radiation is energy that comes from a source and travels through some material or through space.Since there is Vacuum( empty space) between earth and the sun, Light travels using radiation....Hope it helped! :)

Related questions

What is the method by which the wave travels through a medium or vacuum?

Waves disturb or perturb the medium and this propagates the wave.

Does light travels slowest through space?

As the medium through which light propagates in space is closes to a vacuum, light propagates very well in space. However, it travels at the same speed as it would on earth, as light travels at 299,792,458m/s in a vacuum, regardless of where that vacuum is located. the light travels in same speed whether it travels in space or earth.

How does vacuum travel sound?

Sound is carried by vibrations moving through a material, whether the material is solid, liquid or gaseous. A vacuum is the absence of material and therefore there is no material to vibrate, hence no sound can be passed through a vacuum.

The denser the medium through which it is traveling the slower a what wave propagates?

Electromagnetic wave, namely, light as it travels through denser medium its speed decreases from its speed when it travels through air or vacuum.

What is the materials through which a wave travels?

Sound waves can travel through any material, but not through a VACUUM. You may be thinking of the term "MEDIUM", which is often used GENERICALLY to signify what a 'Wave" is traveling through. -------------------------------------------------- The material is called "matter".

Can sound travel through vacuum tube?

Sound cannot travel through vacuum, but unless there is sufficient insulation, sound might travel through the material the tube is made of.

When is light not refracted?

Light is not refracted when while it passes through a vacuum, or through any uniform material.

Why can't a sound wave travel through a vacuum?

It needs a material medium for propagation

What can sound not penetrate?

the most dense material that is known Sound cannot pass through a vacuum.

Which can sound NOT travel through?

Vacuum as sound needs badly a material medium to get it propagated.

Does sound need to travel through material?

Sound (and vibration) are a wave system of sequential compressions and rarefactions of a material. These waves are mechanical and do need a substance through which to travel. They cannot travel through a vacuum.

Sound waves can't travel through A a solid B a liquid C an elastic material D a vacuum?

Sound waves cannot travel through a vacuum because it needs a medium and a vacuum has nothing within it that can act as a medium.