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Q: How long a low-hydrogen electrode can be outside a heated oven?
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False, this will cause contamination of the tungsten electrode as there will be insufficient gas coverage.

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it will take long to be heated up,

How long does it take to install a heated driveway?

Not nearly as long as you might think. First, you must decide that you want a heated driveway. Then just wait a little while for the seasons to change and before you know it, VOILA! the driveway is heated.

Do puggles need clothes in cold weather?

My pug goes outside without clothes because she hates them and is just fine granted in the winter she isnt outside very long. If your puggle isnt going to be out any longer than to do their business then it really doesnt need it but if it will be outside and it is below 35 degrees F, for more than an hour I would give it something to warm up with. Mine has a heated dog house it can go in also my GSD shares the dog house with my pug if she is outside a lot. (the barn cats like the heated dog house too and they all cuddle together when its cold out)

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It made it possible to amplify weak radio signals and transmit them over long distances

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The heated eye lash curler is designed to keep your lashes curled all day.

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helo my name is paul lol x

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kids can stay outside for as long as they want so let them be kids

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Sure it does. As long as you don't have ADD.

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The stone is broken.

How long can you take a rabbit outside?

Rabbits can live outside. Most do.