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NOT, a good idea! Most chemical hair relaxers have sodium hydroxide as their main ingredient. Too much blood circulation at the scalp could cause the relaxer to burn your skin. Some relaxers have calcium hydroxide, which are much easier on the hair and scalp, but still if you have circulating blood at your scalp it can be painful. Of course, it depends on the person doing the relaxer too...along with the product and its strength! Make sure you choose someone qualified to do it professionally and correctly! This is a strong substance!

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14y ago

you can, but why would you? It is recommended that you wash your hair 2 to four days before your relaxer.... After you've relaxed and probably styled your hair, washing it doesn't seem like a good move...

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13y ago

about 8-10 minutes.If it begins to really burn before 8-10, wash out immediately because chemical burns can occur.If 10 has past and no burning or itching has occurred yet, you may leave it in for another additional 5 minutes

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9y ago

Of course!

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Q: Can you wash your hair a day before you get a relaxer?
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How many days after relaxer wash hair?

i would say about a week i used just for me its a hair relaxer kit but if you wash the day after im pretty sure your hair will be not soo good ... good luck

How long do you have to wait to relax your hair after getting a permanent hair color?

You should really color your hair AFTER getting a relaxer because if you color then relax the color will fade. You should wait 2 weeks before you color your hair after getting a relaxer so I assume this means you have to wait 2 weeks before you relax after coloring. Next time stick with sem-permanent so your hair won't get as damaged. Dark and lovely is a good brand to use to color your hair after a relaxer. You can even do it on the same day it lasts thru 12 washes and I doubt you wash your hair everyday since its relaxed so if you wash every other day then it should last you about a month. If you wash once a week then it should last you 3 months not only that its also semi-permanent. It has NO peroxide & ammonia. You can get it at walmart in the ehitic hair isle. Hope I helped.

How many times do you wash your hair after a perm?

When you first get a perm, wait 48 before you wash your hair. After that, you can wash it every day or as needed. I wash mine every day because my hair is very fine. It all depends on your hair type.

Should you brush your hair after a shower if you just got a perm?

Nothing happens, you basically just washed your hair.You can wash your hair up to one day after your relaxer. I would just avoid using protein until at least a week after washing to help strengthen hair. A chemical treatment such as a relaxer is permanent. If you could wash out a you know how many people would never chop off their relaxed ends when going natural?

Are you supposed to wash your hair everyday?

No, if you wash it every day, it will become greasy, just skip at least one day before you wash it again.

Can you wash your hair after 1 day?

Yes. It is recommended to wash your hair every second day as this prevents greasy hair. If you need to wash your have after one day then do, but not regularly.

Can you perm your hair the next day after wash an condition it?

no you have to wait 48hrs before your hair can get wet or youll lose your perm

After highlights how long before you wash your hair again?

You can wash it the same day if you want. It won't go away or ruin it. Yes you can wash it whenever you want to.

How many times should a person wash there hair?

It's more reasonable to wash your hair every other day, but it's suggested that younger kids wash their hair every other day, and teenagers and older should wash their hair every day.

Should you wash hair the day of highlighting?

yes you can wash your hair. nothing will happen

I work out every day. I have thick hair and sweat. Is it okay to wash my hair every day.?

A lot of people think it is ok to wash your hair every day, let me just tell you they are wrong it breaks your hair. the most is to wash it every other day.

Should you wash your hair before coloring it if its really greasy or will it ruin the color formula?

Your hair needs to be clean before you apply a colour. Do it the next day after you wash your hair. Greasy hair won't take the colour to well and it is not advisable to put colour on freshly washed hair unless it is stated on the instructions.