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Same day. Don't waste time, change the locks.

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Just change them

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Q: How long after a spouse leaves before you can change the locks in Mississippi?
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Is the surving spouse liable for medical bills in Mississippi?

In Mississippi, the estate must resolve all debts including medical bills. Until that is done, the spouse cannot inherit anything.

Will says everything in the house belongs to the surviving spouse Does executor step-son have a right to include items as part of the estate to be sold since items were acquired before the marriage?

No. Regardless of when the items were acquired, the Will leaves them to the surviving spouse. They now belong to the surviving spouse.

Can an executor be listed as a beneficiary?

Yes, and they frequently are as in the case of the standard husband and wife will, where each spouse leaves the entire estate to the other spouse and names that spouse the executor.

If you are divorced and neither of you change the will that you had together is it still legal if something should happen to one of you?

Generally, a will made before a divorce becomes void as it pertains to your former spouse unless the will makes it clear that the will shall remain valid after a divorce. Alternatively, in certain states a divorce does not invalidate a will that leaves property to an ex-spouse. You need to check the laws of your state.

Can you divorce a terminal ill spouse in the state of Mississippi?

You can divorce a spouse if a judge decides to grant you a divorce. Legally is different from ethical considerations.

If a spouse dies and leaves medical bills in their name is the surviving spouse responsible for those bills?

In most instances, the estate is responsible. It means the estate that is inherited from the spouse will be smaller.

What rights spouse have after death of the other spouse if the home was purchase before marriage by one spouse?

Depends on the will

Is your spouse liable for medical debt that occurred before a marriage?

No. Your present spouse had no legal responsibility for you before you were married.

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What does predeceased spouse mean?

A predeceased spouse refers to a spouse who has died before the other spouse. It is often used in legal and financial contexts, such as in estate planning or wills, to indicate that one spouse has passed away and their assets or rights may be inherited or transferred to someone else, such as children or a new spouse.

If your spouse voluntarily leaves the home does he pay child support?

If your spouse voluntarily leaves the home, they are still obligated to financially support their children. Child support is based on the income and circumstances of both parents, not on who is living in the home. Therefore, your spouse would still be required to pay child support.