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Q: How long after a trip to Mexico would you be contagious with the swine virus?
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Is a person contagious after Swine Flu treatment?

You would not be contagious DUE TO the swine flu treatment, but you may still be contagious after having treatment, depending on when you were exposed to the virus or when you contracted the swine flu, what the treatment was, and how long it has lasted to date. Usually treatment does not cure the flu, only lessens the symptoms while your body is killing the invading virus. It typically takes your body 7 to 10 days to fight off the flu once infected. If you have the flu, you would be considered no longer contagious after you have gone a full 24 hours without a fever (while taking no fever-reducing medicines). If by "treatment" you include preventive flu vaccinations, then you would not be contagious from having had the vaccine, since it is made with virus particles that can not make you sick. There is a very rare risk that someone who received the live virus vaccine in the nasal spray vaccination could give the flu to another person, immediately after receiving the nasal spray, if the other person has a malfunctioning immune system, such as with AIDS, but it is unlikely.

If someone with the Swine Flu is taking antibiotics are they still contagious?

Yes, because antibiotics are not effective on viruses. The Swine Flu (A-H1N1/09 virus) is unaffected by antibiotics and would still be transmissable. Antibiotics are usually only given to someone with a virus if they have already gotten or are considered to be at risk of getting a secondary bacterial infection along with the viral infection. Antibiotics are used to kill bacteria and treat bacterial infections.

Is it the Mexicans fault that the swine flu is in Brooklyn?

No, it is no one's fault. It is a highly contagious virus that is new and different strain no one has been exposed to before. That makes it very easily spread from person to person very quickly. But even if it could be blamed on a person or a location, it would not be the Mexicans or Mexico. The full results are not in yet from the teams investigating the origin of the new virus, but it is looking more and more like it may have started by mutations of the virus among some pigs at a pig farm in Texas in the US and spread from there into Mexico where there was an outbreak in a small village in southern Mexico. It is believed to have been in existence longer than initially expected but in numbers that did not cause it to be noticed until the village in Mexico came to the forefront in the news.

Would you have swine flu if you were nice to pigs?

Ive never met a virus that I didnt like

How did Swine Flu affect China?

The way in which Swine flu affected china was that the number of people that went china decreased. This is because people were scared that they would get the virus.

Why was US restrained from Russia during cold war?

The obvious answer is: During Russia's cold war they were trying to get the cold virus under control. Allowing the United States to enter the country would have prevented Russia ROM containing colds. Very similar to the swine flu and Mexico. Right now noone want to ge to Mexico until the swine flu gets controlled.

Is turberculosis a bacteria or a virus?

A disease, which I guess would also be a virus, except a disease isn't contagious and a virus is. Tuberculosis is passed down to you from a family member. It's genetically passed.

If Swine Flu has the ability to be transmitted in water would boiling the infected water eliminate it or could it be destroyed another way?

Can the swine flu virus be put in the citys water system even with all the cholorline in the water system?

How do you Kill Swine Flu on food?

If there were to be flu virus on foods, then it would be killed by heating to 167 to 212 degrees Fahrenheit (75 to 100 degrees Celsius). You can not get swine flu (Novel H1N1 virus) from eating pork. However you should always use safe handling techniques with raw meats of any kind.

Does antibacterial gel work on Swine Flu?

If the swine flu is on a surface it will kill most of it. That's really the only application. It is not appropriate to clean your skin with the wipes. Your skin will absorb the chemicals and it is possible to build up a toxic level in your body.

What are some diseases you can call the Swine Flu?

Only a case of influenza would be called swine flu. Influenza is a viral infection. There are no other diseases that are called swine flu other than various influenza viral infections. There is more than one type of influenza that has been called "swine flu". There is the one that only pigs get (or an extremely rare case for a human in very close contact with swine) and it is simply called "Swine flu" and it is referred to as H1N1. It is the original swine flu (hence the name). The first Swine flu viruses were isolated in 1930 in the United States in pigs. There have been other types of influenza viruses also called swine flu historically. The most famous early swine flu outbreak in humans was in 1976 at Fort Dix, New Jersey, where four soldiers who were previously healthy contracted the virus and developed pneumonia diagnosed by X-ray with other symptoms of the flu. One died as a result. The virus was thought to have circulated approximately a month in the close quarters of the group in basic training but not outside the group, then it disappeared. In the fall of 1988, a previously healthy 32-year-old pregnant woman was hospitalized for pneumonia and died 8 days later. A swine H1N1 flu virus was detected. Four days before getting sick, the patient visited a county fair swine exhibition where there was widespread influenza-like illness among the swine. The 2009 pandemic of Influenza A, Novel H1N1 "swine flu" was first detected in Mexico City and was made public March 18, 2009. It is most appropriately referred to as Influenza Type A-H1N1/09 to specify the exact virus (that is different from the prior ones). See the related questions below for additional names for swine flu and an explanation of the H1N1 nomenclature.

Will silly bandz give you chickenpox?

No, silly bandz do not cause chicken pox. Chicken pox is caused by a virus (varicella zoster virus) that is spread from individuals who are "contagious," meaning that they are infected with the virus and can transmit it to other persons by coughing or sneezing or by direct contect with secretions from the chicken pox rash. Theoretically, it might be possible for silly bandz to be contaminated with the secretions if they are worn by a contagious person, but the virus would not survive very long on the inert silicone silly bandz.