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Q: How long after death does a body become icy cold?
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How long does a body stay cold after death?

Forever. No cell action = no heat produced.

Why your leg crams and numbness during cold season?

When you're cold your muscles become tighter. So if you expose your body to these cold temperatures (like going outside) for long periods of time, your muscles become tight and after a while they're like, woa, too much, and start cramping.

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What are the side effects of bing in cold water for a long time?

Hypothermia and death.

In Christianity how long after death must one be buried?

As long as it takes the body to be resurrected.

How long after death does human eyes become cloudy?

The eyes will be noticeably "cloudy" approximately 2-3 hours after death.

Can i become executor of an estate after my father's death?

There is no reason you cannot become executor of an estate as long as the court agrees. As long as you are 18 or older, you can serve in that capacity.

Is there a natural way to cure a cold?

Yes, and no. Consume a lot of vitamin C (oranges, juice, etc.), it will help fihgt your cold. Please note that the common cold is a virus, and is treated by your body (with the optional help of medicine). Once your body rids itself of the virus, it will become immune to it; thus, you will never catch the same kind of cold again. The cold you have developed now is new to your body, though your body still handles it in the same way. Get lots of bed rest, drink a lot of fluids, and avoid exertion (physical, mental, etc.). It shouldn't take you too long to recover from it naturally.

Can you get a cold sore from a telephone?

It would be nearly impossible to get a cold sore from a telephone as the virus can't survive long outside of the body.

Is Cold pain?

Cold is not really pain but it can cause pain when a person is exposed to cold for a long period of time. Exposure to cold can cause frost bite and damage to the tissues of the body.

How long till chiggers die?

Until the animal has died and become cold blooded with no circulation