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Q: How long after having teeth extracted can you use orajel?
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Can you eat prior to having just a normal tooth extracted not necessarily wisdom teeth?

You can eat prior to having a tooth extracted as long as you are only having a local anesthetic. Usually patients will opt for I.V. sedation for all four wisdom teeth.

How long will i be in pain from having all teeth extracted at once?

depends how u deal with pain and i would say it will hurt for abt 4/5 days

How long should you wait to get your dentures fitted after you have extracted all your teeth?

6 months

When you have your teeth extracted and wait for three months will your mouth droop at first when you put on your dentures?

no , not as long as you have a jaw bone.

Im 17 and all 4 of my wisdom teeth were extracted 7.29.11. I am leaving for Germany in a week and I was wondering how long after getting wisdom teeth extracted can you eat solid foods?

You should be able to resume a normal diet after 7-10 days.

How long does orajel take to wear off?

She said she was 18...

How long does Orajel last on the lips?

🖖🏻 It lastest 5to6 hours

How long will it take the tooth to come in after an extraction?

well unless your having a baby tooth extracted there should be no other tooth that comes in.

Removing teeth before or after putting braces?

Yes you can, you would have to arrange a visit with your orthodontist prior to seeing the dentist to remove the archwire, then after having the extractions done, you will need to go back to your orthodontist to get the archwire placed back in. Ring the orthodontist and talk to the receptionist about when your dentist appointment is and I'm sure they will make avail time for you. It doesn't take very long to replace an archwire. Hope this helps

Why do people get crooked teeth?

It's genetics. I got my crooked teeth both from my father and from having a pacifier for too long. A pacifier is like braces in a sense - if you have a pacifier for too long, it can put pressure on your teeth which would therefor move your teeth.

A horse is having trouble eating what do you first check?

you may need to check its teeth because if a horses teeth are too long or too short that may cause it.

How is perfume extracted?

Use a long tube