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a woman will know when she has missed a period. Some woman have a feeling before. But nothing is definite until a pregnancy test is done.

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Q: How long after sex will a woman know she is pregnant?
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How do you know if you are pregnant after the night you think you got pregnant?

You can't. You can get reliable results on a home pregnancy test 14 to 16 days after having sex or you can see a Dr for a blood test that can detect pregnancy a few days sooner.

Did Zeus get 50 women pregnant pregnant in one night?


Why do men act interested and then completely back off when a woman shows interest?

Many men are looking for sex and nothing more (depending on their age.) Also a high percentage of men are afraid of commitment. Some single young men's hormones are raging and sex and more sex is all they want and they want their freedom to date other women. Some older men may have had a bad experience with several women or, they have gone through a bad divorce and are 'gun shy.' A confident woman would take things slow and easy and never let the man know if you are lonely or desperate, but give them the sense (and women should be) that they are independent and can live life without a man. If you think a man of any age just wants sex and you want something more permanent in your life then dump these guys because there are still some great guys out there that are lonely and aren't afraid of commitment.

After sex and you take a pregnancy test will it mess up the results?

The pregnancy tests the hormones in your urine stream, known as hCG, semen does not affect it. That hormone is produced by your body during pregnancy and is the only thing measured by the test. So no, having sex anytime before taking the pregnancy test will not affect your results or give you a false positive. The only time having sex affects your pregnancy test is when it was weeks ago, unprotected, and fertilized the egg.. making you pregnant.

What is NASA sex?

I guess when they have sex in space.

Related questions

How long after a man cums inside a woman will you know you're pregnant?

The earliest you can take a test is 2 weeks after sex.

How do you make a woman pregnant?

Just have sex with her

Can A Pregnant Woman's Diet Affect Baby's Sex?

a diet can not effect the baby sex. once your pregnant the baby sex is already there

How long do you have to wait until you know you're pregnant?

At least 2 weeks after sex

When does a woman actually become pregnant?

when she has sex :L

Can you still get pregnant if a woman urinates after sex?


How long will it take for you to know if your pregnant after sex?

Usually after you had sex it takes 2 weeks before you can use a actual pregnancy test.

Can a woman get pregnant if she has her period?

If she gets her period, then she isn't pregnant. If you have sex while she is on her period then there is a chance she will get pregnant.

How long does sprem last inside a woman?

I've heard five days. sex ed. teacher said you can have sex on Monday and not get pregnant till Friday.

Can rough sex delay a woman's period?

No it can not. The only reason a woman's period would be delayed after rough sex, is that she became pregnant.

Can you get pregnant r know if your pregnant when the boy first coms in you?

Yes of course unprotected sex can get you pregnant and no, you wont know until 2 weeks after sex when you can take the test if you are pregnant or not.

If after sex the woman sees her period some days after is she pregnant?

Not pregnant. To avoid unwanted pregnancy practice safe sex at all times.