

How long are cheetah's legs?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Q: How long are cheetah's legs?
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What is one way lions and tigers are different from cheetahs?

The way they are different are lions and tigers can not run as fast or that they do not have spots or legs as long as the cheetahs.

Why are cheetahs the fastest animals?

Because they have slim, powerful bodies and long legs for their size.

Do cheetahs have long legs?

well basicly they are jus made like that it in their dna,jeans

Why are cheetahs fasts?

the cheetah is so fast beacaus of its flexible back its long legs and enourmous stride length

How do cheetahs hunt pray?

Cheetahs are 'sight' hunters. They see their prey moving. Then cheetahs, being the fastest runners in the world, chase down their prey, then kill and eat it. Cheetahs, even though they are in the cat family, have dog-like long legs and paws like a dog's to help them run so fast.

Do cheetahs climb?

Cheetahs can climb but not well as they do not have retractable claws and their legs are designed more for sprinting than climbing.

Do cheetahs have four legs?

same reason we walk or run on two legs that's the way they were made

Why do cheetahs have a long tail?

The cheetahs long tail helps it turn sharply when chasing prey.

Why do cheetahs have long powerful legs?

because they need to be fast to catch their preyto help them run faster

When cheetahs are born do they know how to run?

No because the babies have week legs and can not run so early.

Where does Ariel live?

In the bush land where hippopotamus' have 5 legs and cheetahs are the slowest animals on earth

How long is a cheetahs tail?

for grown up cheetahs 2-4 feet long babyies is 1 foot long