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Q: How long before a dead body goes cold?
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Is the water cold always?

No what goes through several changes before is goes to any tempture hot or cold

Why does your body temperature go down when you swim?

Because, when you have been swimming, you have been in the water, and water is sometimes cold, so when the cold has entered your body, your body goes cold.

Where do dead cells go in your body?

It goes to your hair and nails . :)

What is the movie where a teen gets beat up left for dead goes to school no one can see him and they must find his body before he dies?

the invisible

Why does sitting in a cold bathtub cool your body down?

It cools your body down because the water is so cold that the temperature in you u body goes like a thermometer.

What does a dead body feel like before it becomes stiff?

Chemical changes in the blood after death cause a dead body to become stiff within hours after death. This stiffness is called rigor mortis. It usually goes away within 12 hours of onset.

Why do a dead body is cold?

A mammalian (as opposed to reptile, insect etc) body is warm due to the metabolic activity that goes on inside it. Once a body has died, this activity stops and it becomes the same temperature as its surroundings just like anything else (tables, chairs, rubber chickens etc). So, a dead body isn't colder than anything else - just colder than a live body.

Why production area and dining area at the same level?

So that the freshly prepared hot food can be served up before it goes cold, and also to minimise the risk of accidents.So that the freshly prepared hot food can be served up before it goes cold, and also to minimise the risk of accidents.So that the freshly prepared hot food can be served up before it goes cold, and also to minimise the risk of accidents.So that the freshly prepared hot food can be served up before it goes cold, and also to minimise the risk of accidents.

What nicknames does Chuck Lamb go by?

Chuck Lamb goes by Dead Body Guy.

What is a Salamanders'response to change in temperature?

A salamander is a cold blooded animal. So it simply follows the temperature change. Temperature goes down, its body temp goes down, Temp goes up its body temp goes up

How many days does the hospital keep a dead body After it goes to the Funeral place how long do they keep the body?

a week i think

Body goes from normal to hot and sweating to cold without doing anything?

it is sign of malaria