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For me, it has taken 4 years. Have a sale date set in December, but bank has finally offered a trial modification. It took MUCH persistence and refaxing and resubmitting documents, updating financials and what not. I think they have it more together now, so you should get all your ducks in a row. Best of luck to you.

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Q: How long before you have to move out once foreclosure in Florida has started?
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What is the foreclosure procedure in Florida?

The entire legal procedure for foreclosure is too long to reproduce here. You can review the procedure for Florida at the link below.

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In California, after a foreclosure sale, the new owner can typically initiate eviction proceedings to have the occupants vacate the property. The exact timeline can vary depending on the specific circumstances and any legal actions taken by the former homeowner. However, occupants are usually given a notice to vacate the property before being forcibly removed.

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Yes you can save your home from foreclosure. This is a primary reason people file for a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, the automatic stay can stop a foreclosure as long as it's filed before the sale takes place.

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if you started at miami it would be 490 hours

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6 months from the sheriff's sale date.

After a foreclosure how long does it take to evict in Florida?

Usually there will not be a separate eviction filed after a foreclosure. Typically, the plaintiff will request that the clerk issue a writ of possession as a part of the foreclosure. The judge may direct the clerk to issue the writ of possession as a part of the foreclosure judgment or the Plaintiff may request it afterwards. Once the writ of possession has been issued, it must be delivered to the sheriff. The sheriff will post the writ on the property and you have 24 hours to vacate. In short, not very long.