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You can contain your 2 inch Albino Tiger Oscar in a 35 gallon aquarium with a 2 inch Pleco and 2 small Pictus Catfish for 4 hours.

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Q: How long can I contain my 2 inch Albino Tiger Oscar in a 35 gallon aquarium W a 2 inch Pleco and 2 small Pictus Catfish What would be a good size upgrade tank?
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Do Albino catfish get along well with guppies and other library fish?

There are two kinds of 'albino' catfish commonly seen in aquariums. One is the albino channel catfish....which will grow to be VERY LARGE and will eat anything it can put in its gaping mouth...the other kind is the albino corydoras catfish. The corydoras will get along PERFECTLY with guppies and just about any aquarium fish...'library' or not.

How long does it take for albino catfish eggs to hatch?

For Albino Catfish, about 3 to 12 weeks to hatch.

How big does an albino catfish grow to be?

Well, they stay the same size as you see them in the pet store you go to unless you see a regular catfish that's albino. P.S. the albino catfish is actually just a type of fish that you see in stores is actually just a small type of catfish that looks like a small albino catfish.

How long does it take for egg catfish to hatch?

For Albino Catfish, about 3 to 12 weeks to hatch.

How rare are wild albino catfish and what are they worth?

it is worth a lot of ££££££&$$$$$$ £50,000,000,000 $655,544,332,334,554

How rare are albino catfish at Lake Murry South Carolina?

well an albino catfish is just a white catfish ( can't remember Latin name ) witch is most similar to channel catfish ( still can't remember Latin name ) but no spots and white there habitat is in the south virgina to Texas and not in Florida so in lake murry probably common

Where would you find albino channel catfish suppliers for ponds?

On da Internet ah

What is the difference between an albino plant and regular plant?

an albino plant doesnt contain chlorophyll and a regular plant does an albino plant doesnt contain chlorophyll and a regular plant does

What do you get when you cross an albino Cory catfish with a bronze Cory catfish?

I would say like any albino, it is a mutatation of it's species. So if the alibino was bred back to it's parent species which is the bronze cory, you would most likely get mostly natural colored fry.

Can Albino Clawed Frog and Albino Oscar live together?

no the Oscar will eat it. i bought an albino clawed frog and my Oscar at it the frog was in the tank for ten min. I had a couple of the albino frogs in the tank with several large Oscars and a synadontis catfish for years. Needless to say when i got the Oscars the frogs were larger than them and unable to eat them so i think that helped a lot. One of the frogs did happen to get eaten by the catfish though when I was transproting them to my new apartment.

What is the name of the fish that cleans other fish?

Chinese Algae Eater.NOTE: they can get pretty long. and also the Albino Catfish can sometimes clean other fish.

What are types of algae?

Pleco - Suckermouth catfish , Siamese Algae Eater, Albino Algae Eater , Ancistrus - Bristlenose pleco ,Oto Catfish , Plecostomus ( Very aggressive and go well with Oscar ) All algae eaters go well with Oscars.