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Horses can develop heaves at any time. Usually its very easy to notice sense the horse will be coughing, wheezing and trying hard to suck in more air.

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Q: How long can a horse have heaves without anybody noticing?
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Which animal is likely to suffer from the disease heaves?


What does a coughing horse indicate?

A horse's cough sounds a lot like a human cough except louder.

What is Emphysema in horses?

Emphasyma (in humans) is from second hand cigarette smoke. If a horse has emphasyma it may be from inhaling smoke over a long period of time. But what is likely the case is that the horse has what is called the heaves. An unfortunately incurable problem much like chronic bronchitis. The heaves is caused by lung infections that have been left untreated and that have destroyed the cells in the lungs beyond repair. Try researching the heaves in horses and see where that gets you.

Can keeping a horse on pasture alleviate heave symptoms?

It can help so long as the horse doesn't have what's called 'pasture heaves' where it's allergic to the molds in the grass.

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It is just like the Trojan war they send a email or a software or a hardware. when you use the email or a software or a hardware it will go into your computer without noticing.

What is COPD also know as in horses?

Heaves (equine COPD) is usually considered a disease of stabled horses. It is frequently caused by exposure to too much dust in the atmosphere of a barn. The best treatment for heaves is turnout and getting the horse out of the barn and away from the irritating dust and allergens.

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How did Alexander the great show intelligence?

He figured out his father's horse was scared of his shadow by noticing which way it looked when it was getting scared.

Who raises the young Arabian horse?

Anybody who loves to raise Arabian horses.

What is the secret code to the webkinz horse?

You have to actually buy a webkinz horse. I don't think anybody would really give out a webkinz code.

Who sang Ride The White Horse Anybody Know Who Sang Ride The White Horse or Pony?

Ride the White Horse is a song performed by English electronic music duo Goldfrapp.

Why does your horse shake his head up and down when he sees you?

Its probably because he is simply noticing your there, And sorta asking you to come over and pet him. :)