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How long can a leech live after filling themselves with blood?

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Q: How long can a leech live after filling themselves with blood?
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How does the leech live?

Leeches attach themselves to other animals and suck their blood. A leech only needs to feed every few months, consuming up to three times its body weight in blood during a single feeding.

What are the abilities of a leech?

to suck blood to worm around to be gross they live in foresty areas

Does a leech live on land?

it matters what type of leech most leeches live in water, such as the north american leech (Medicinal Leech) other species in africa and india do live on land and use there suckers to launch themselves about, they cannot swim and are a nuisance to tourists walking near the tropical areas. for more information search "Leeches" or "leech" on google or other search sites and many informative sites shall appear.

How much blood can leeches suck at a time?

A grown leech can consume between 20 and 50ml of blood until he is full. A leech can eat only once in a year to be able to live. This does not mean however that they only eat once in their lifespan.Some leeches live only one year; some several years.I would say that a leech consumes about 70-250ml of blood in its lifespan.

Do leech live in water?


What happen to leech when salt is put on them while some live in marine habitat?

When people put salt on the leech the leech dies and the marine leech will survive in the marine habitat.

Can a leech live in a human intestinal tract?


Can a leech live inside your body?


How do leech grow?

Leeches mainly live off other animals blood, although some species can eat small shrimps and other small animals that come in contact. The common leech grows up to 18inches in length, when they suck blood thier bodies grow wider in order to suck up as much as possible.

Where does a leech live in a pond?

just swimming in the water

What are some unique features a leech has?

they suck blood, and they belong t the anamalia kingdom. also they live in fresh water and they look more like sea cucumbers.

How long a leech live?

Most leeches live 1 year; some live more.