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The northern moon snail has a life expectancy of anywhere between 2 years and 7 years. There are close to 300 known species of moon snails.

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Q: How long can a northern moon snail live?
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How long would it take a snail to crawl to the moon on a length of cheese wire?

1) The snail would pass out in the upper atmosphere. 2) If it didn't pass out, it would freeze. 3) A snail doesn't live long enough to make the journey.

Is a moon snail a reptile?

no it is a predatory marine gastropod. just a snail

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What is the largest snail in puget sound?

The largest snail in Puget Sound is Lewis' moon snail. Its shell can grow to a size of 5.5 inches and when fully extended outside its shell, the moon snail's diameter can be up to 12 inches.

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What preys on moon snails?

Moon snails can actually drill on another moon snail for food

What eats a moon snail?

There are many animals that will eat a moon snail. These may include fish, birds, crabs and even people that consider to be a delicacy in Europe.

What is a moon snails latin name?

The northern moon snail, Polinices heros, is a species of large sea snail, a predatory marine gastropod mollusc. It is found rather uncommonly intertidally, but is much more commonly subtidally. This species, like all moon snails, feeds voraciously on clams and other snails.

What side of the moon would have reflected light if it is in a waning phase?

If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, the left side of the moon is illuminated. If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, the right side of the moon is illuminated. Regardless of hemisphere, the western half of the moon is illuminated during the waning moon phases.

What does a moon snail eat and how does it get its food?

Moon snails drill a hole in the shell of clams and suck them out. If you walk the beach you will find clam shells with small round holes drilled in them near the hinge. That is the work of a moon snail.

How it look the moon snail?

Werr, the moon snair look it went through a gall dern ternadey

Is the moon getting out of orbit?

the moon is moving 3 centimeters a, in a LONG time there will be no moon. And we cant live without it...but most of you who are reading this will be long gone!