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so far a friend of mine manage to still function after 3 days of no sleep

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14y ago
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14y ago

you can go without sleep for about 1 month in certain cases of insomnia you can go for long as a year without sleep but u wouldn't know if you were awake

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Q: How long can a person go without sleep?
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What is the maximum duration for which a person can go without sleep?

8 days

How long can a 10 year old hulahoop?

For as long as he/her can go without food, water, and sleep.

How long can a person go without sleep before getting sick?

That would depend on the person's general health, fitness level, age, nutritional history and what you mean by "sick." You will most likely pass out before you get sick. ~ T

How many days can a person go with out sleep?

World records for days without sleep have surpassed 10 days. Theoretically, one does not need sleep, but will function less effectively without the "recharge" it provides to the body and mind.

How long does it take to go to sleep?

Depends on the person Could take from 5-30 minutes

How long can a person go without sleep before they start to hallucinate?

It all depends on the person. In the military you develop capacity to withstand long hours without sleep. 20 years ago I could go without sleep for 6 days before hallucinations. now 2 days is enough for me to hallucinate lacking sleep. This means the capacitiy is reduced with age.

how long do i have to go to sleep for?

not that long

How can a person be unconscious?

Go to sleep.

Can you survive without sleep?

Like breathing, sleep is a fundamental human requirement. It has even been said that one could survive for three times as long without food as one could without sleep. One of the better known experiments on this subject, found that depriving rats entirely of sleep resulted in their death, or near-dying state, within 11-32 days.

What do you do when the person beside you is snoring and you cant go to sleep?

smack him/her on the head to wake them up then go to sleep

How long can a person go without aces to water?

no because there is no such thing aces to water

How long can an alcoholic go without a drink?

For an entire lifetime if the person chooses to do so.