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Q: How long can a person live with stage 2 Sleep?
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a person who carrier a stage 3 tb it can prolnged upto 3mos.

Is there a sequel to the book a long long sleep?

There will be. It is still in the editing stage.

How long can a person live with stage 4 kidney failure with treatment?

maximum 4 weeks,.

How long can you live with no food and water with stage 4 cancer in final stage?

With stage 4 cancer, it is unlikely that a person would live longer than a week without food or water. The food and water is needed to keep the person's strength up.

How long do you live with prostae cancer?

It depends on what stage the cancer is at. If it is in the final stage, then with chemotherapy, you can live for about 18 months depending on the person. Without chemo, 8 or 9 months is the average.

Which stage of sleep is marked by long slow delta brain waves?

Stage 4. apex:)

What is slow-wave sleep?

Slow wave sleep occurs after Stage 1 and Stage 2 sleep, and prior to REM sleep. There is more slow wave sleep present toward the beginning of the night, while more REM sleep is present toward the end of the night's sleep. In slow wave sleep, delta waves are present on the EEG (Electroencephalogram), which measures brain activity. These waves are long and slow, as opposed to the sharp waves of Stage 2 sleep. It is ecause of the shape of these waves that the stage is called slow wave sleep.

How long will a person live with end stage lung disease he is now 65 yrs old and has began bleeding internally Dr's can't operate due to his breathing they say it will kill him if he is put to sleep?

. My sister-in-law is bleeding internally and has stage 4 lung cancer. Her oncologist said she would go within a week. She is 49.

Does REM occur in sleep panic patients?

REM sleep is our restorative sleep. We all need it to restore our bodies. Patients with Sleep Apnea often have a decrease in the amount of REM sleep they get but still go into REM as does everyone. You may not achieve REM every time you sleep especially when you are just taking a short nap. There may be nights that a Sleep apnea patient does not achieve REM but that does NOT mean they never have REM sleep. When someone who has Sleep Apnea achieves Rem stage the apnea events increase because the tension and mucsles relax causing the obstruction in the airway to get worse. In turn the body reacts to the lack of air by gasping, choking, moving until the obstruction releases long enough for the person to breathe again. This often brings the person out of REM stage and into a lighter stage of sleep or wake stage. Therefore REM is often reduced. Around 20% of our total sleep time a night in REM is consider normal. Most sleep apnea patients' Rem is considerably less than this.

How long does a person sleep?

Sleep TimeRecommended sleep time is eight hours a night, but some sleep more and some less.

How long will a person live after the whites of the eyes start turning yellow from alcohol abuse can the liver be repaired at this stage and if so how long will this take?

Yes, but they will die before the realize somethings wrong.

How long does a person live with cachexia?

I do not know How long they live