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Q: How long can an insurance cocompany keep a DWI conviction on your record in Canada?
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How long does a possession of marijuana charge stay on your record in Wisconsin?

A drug conviction in Wisconsin never is taken off the a criminal record. Generally, an employer can find a conviction if he or she digs enough.

How can you get a DUI off your record in Indiana?

You can move to have your record expunged. It's not easy to have it removed when the charge and conviction were legitimate.

Can a person with a DUI record enter Canada?

You cannont, as long as it is on your record. If you try to cross before the 10 years are up (time DUI is on your record), Canada notes that you tried to come into Canada and turns you around, and informs you that if you try to come back in before the time is up you will be arrested. How long does Canada keep you out? The duration of the time the DUI is on your record PLUS the probation time. 13 years. You can apply for as a temporary resident or citizen, and get in.

How long does a bad check stay on your record in Texas?

Unless you were convicted of an actual crime for the bad check, it is not on your criminal record at all. If you were convicted it stays there forever, like any other criminal conviction, unless you are pardoned. Even without a conviction, it may also appear on your credit history for up to 7 years if the payee of the check or the issuing bank reported it.

Do DUI convictions stay on your record for 5 years in NV?

DUI convictions stay on your record forever unless you get your record sealed or expunged. It is not commonly done. But after 5 years it should affecting your insurance and any employment affected by your license.

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Which insurance companies provide health insurance to ex-felons?

All. One's conviction record is not grounds for denying health coverage.

How long does a conviction stay on your driving record?

Depends on the type of conviction it is and where you are from. Most places the conviction stays on your driving record for 2-3 years after this time you will get your demerit points rewarded back to you. Many jurisdictions have programs in place where you get demerits back as time goes along. For example, if you had 3 demerit points deducted you may get 1 back each year the conviction is still standing on your record. Many jurisdictions also allow insurance companies to keep record of your driving habits for the past 4 years. So where in the eyes of the law after 3 years you may have a clean driving record, according to your insurance you still have a conviction. Convictions on your "insurance driving record" affect the costs and eligibility of coverage.

Can a ticket thrown out in court still raise your insurance rates?

If a ticket is thrown out in court your insurance will not go up. The ticket will not appear on your driving record wich is used to help set your rate. Insurance companys go by whats on your record and their is no record of an officer giveing you a ticket only the conviction.

How long after a DUI conviction do insurance companies find out in PA?

Most insurance companies find out about DUIs and other tickets when they pull your driving record when your policy renews.

What is the motorcycle insurance rate in Canada?

A basic minimum amount of insurance is required when operating a motorcycle in Canada. Nationwide offers motorcycle insurance in Canada. The rates vary according to the motorcycle, your age, and your driving record.

How many years does a DUI conviction stay on your driving record for insurance companies in WYO?

A DUI stays on your record for seventy five years. Some state keep DUI record for life.

Will you get points on your license or will your insurance be notified for a first speeding fine in Illinois?

== == ANY CONVICTION goes on your insurance record, except parking tickets. Every insurance company checks a driver's record annually by computer, before they send you your new rate for the year ahead.

How many years does a DUI conviction remain on a drivers record?

A record of a DUI conviction on your drivers license history is permanent.

If you have complete probation does the conviction stay on your record?

Yes, unless you have the conviction expunged; however, the arrest record remains forever.

How long does a DUI conviction stay on your record in the state of Colorado?

how long does a DUI conviction stay on your record in the state of Colorado

How long will a DUI conviction be on your record in the state of Georgia?

For most insurance companies it only stays on your record for 5 years. For employment checks or if you go to the DMV to obtain a copy of your record, I believe in Georgia a DUI/DWI stays on your record for 7 years.

What does record of conviction issued mean?

A record of conviction means that a number of things depends on what had been issued earlier. It means that the record was dissolved and that it no longer exist.