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Q: How long can cod fish be kept outside of refrigeration when travelling?
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How can methane is kept as a liquid in tanker?

By a combination of refrigeration and pressure.

Where are fish kept?

Fish are kept in an aquarium.

Where are fish usually kept?

They are kept in a fish shop or aquarium or even a fish tank

Why are salt kept outside the shop?

Salt is not kept outside the shop.

Can catfish live outside?

If you mean outside of water it can for a while is kept wet catfish can live outside of water longer than any fish that is required to breath oxygen in water if you mean outside a house than of course

How long can Swiss cheese be kept safely without refrigeration?

An hour at room temp.

Why does a fish die when kept outside water even though surrounding air has oxygen?

The gills dry and can no longer support the exchange of oxygen.

Can a kissing fish be kept in a fish bowl?

No, they need air, filtrtion and regulated temperature. Not many fish can be kept in bowls.

Can you get sick from eating old fish?

It depends how the fish was kept, if frozen no you can not get sick but keep in mind the longer it sits in the freezer the taste of most soft meats will be effective. If the fish is kept outside yes you can get sick as bacteria will invade the meat.

Can molly fish babies survive with goldfish?

Mollies are tropical fish and should be kept above 70F. Goldfish are coldwater fish and should be kept below 70F. They should NEVER be kept together.

Will loner fish if kept together fight for territory?

Loner fish will often fight for territory when kept together. Fish that do not do well with other fish, like Beta fish, will often fight with other fish for territory.

Can clown fish be kept with tropical fish?

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