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Mollies are tropical fish and should be kept above 70F. Goldfish are coldwater fish and should be kept below 70F. They should NEVER be kept together.

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Q: Can molly fish babies survive with goldfish?
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How do you find that your goldfish is pregnant?

Goldfish are egg laying fish, so they do not get pregnant and birth babies

Do goldfish eat their babies?

Yes, goldfish eat their young. This is why they lay so many eggs- most of the fry won't reach adulthood because other goldfish/fish will eat them. In pond Goldfish reproduction it is the ultimate case of "Survival of the Fittest".it depends on the situation. They will if they are starving.

Can goldfish and black molly live in the same fish tank?

as far as i know yes,unless your fish is aggresive

Can a betta fish and a goldfish have babies?

No, it is impossible. Goldfish are coldwater and have different spawning techniques than bettas.

Why would your goldfish survive if all of your other fish died?

Goldfish are very hardy fish and can survive a wide range of water conditions. It wouldn't surprise me if they were the last fish to die after a major tank/water problem.

Do molly fish and goldfish live together?

tanga hndi eh bawal na gagu They can.

Do tropical goldfish have babies?

Goldfish are not a tropical fish. In addition, they are egg bearing rather than live birth.

Can fish have 20 babies?

of course they can! usually fish have 100 babies and only 20 survive!!!!!

Can a betta fish survive in a bowl that had a goldfish in it for a day?

It should be fine.

Can you put a goldfish in the same tank with a tropical fish?

No, goldfish are best with goldfish with the exception of weather (dojo) loaches, bristlenose plecos, and apple/mystery snails.Although goldfish can survive in warmer water temperatures, they are a "cold water" fish and not a tropical fish.

Why do goldfish live in the pond?

Goldfish are freshwater fish and can not survive in saltwater environments (oceans, etc) They can only survive in freshwater (non saltwater such as ponds, rivers, and lakes).