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Depends on how low you are talking. Yes some people can survive with relatively low oxygen saturations, by compensating in other ways (ie increase the number of red blood cells).

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Q: How long can humans survive with low oxygen saturation?
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Humans need oxygen. However, if the travel is unmanned, no oxygen would be required.

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Oxygen. But an organism will not survive long on just oxygen.

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4 days or less.

What percentage of the air you breath is oxygen?

That totally depends on your definition of life. The short answer: None.The long answer: Millions of years ago the planet Earth had little oxygen to speak of, and anerobic bacteria (those that didn't breathe oxygen) was the dominant form of life. Then came along what's known as "The Great Oxygenation", in which Earth's atmosphere started becoming more oxygen-based. Once oxygen did appear, the oxygen breathers typically outdeveloped and outbreeded other forms of life, which if I recall correctly has something to do with oxygen being far more efficient for certain biological processes than other elements such as methane.So it's not that life actually needs oxygen to survive, it's just that oxygen is far more efficient for certain biological processes -- when it's actually available. This does not answer the question. The answer is 18% oxygen at sea level. Source: PADI's Enriched Air Divers Manual

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Not long with oxygen, about two seconds without it.

Can humans survive past 135 degrees Fahrenheit?

Humans could survive over 135 degrees if it wasn't for very long and they remained well hydrated. That is the key, they have to have enough water to combat dehydration.