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As long as it is not in there for a long time. Try to keep the water from sloshing around and if it sinks to the bottom and doesn't move that means it is probably scared or doesn't like it.

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Q: How long can my Betta fish last in the container that the store gave me it has air holes in the top I am driving home for 6 hours on Fall Break and that's the easiest way to transport him I think?
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Related questions

Do you have to take the betta fish out when changing the water?

No, unless the container he/she is in is small

What is a good pellet food for your betta at PETCO?

I use Wardley Essentials Betta Food. My bettas learned to remember the look of the container and always get excited when they see it!

How do betta fish feed?

feed them by simply buying betta food and follow directions on the container. it will probably say to just drop the food particles onto the water and the betta will swim up and eat happily!

Can you house a betta in a quart?

It may be fine since bettas breath air out of the water, but some say you should put a betta in a container about 2 gallons or more.(Remember, the bigger it's home, the happier & healthier it'll be.Itis also you should put you're betta in a large container, where he or she can swim far & wide.

Do you feed betta fish in the morning or night?

It does not matter what time you feed your Betta fish as long as you don't feed it in complete darkness.

What betta fish eat?

go to the store. go to the fishy section where the fishys are and look for a food container that has a beta fishy on it

How can you know males betta from female?

In many fish species, including bettas, males typically have longer fins, brighter colors, and a slimmer body compared to females.

How does the betta fish get its food when it is young?

In the wild, yes, betta fish are carnivorous and are thus required to hunt for food. If you put a live bloodworm into a betta's tank, you can see from the body language of the fish that it is "eyeballing" or even stalking the worm.

What does it mean when a betta fish can move the top part and not the bottom?

Betta fish need to be kept in slightly warmer water, about 80 F. The water on top of the container is often warmer, especially if you have it close to a light source. It may be that the water is too cold.

How do you get your fish to stop pestering the other ones?

That depends on the Betta fish. If it's just a bit of a nuisance, Some time in it a separate container could stop this problem. But if your betta is so aggressive, so hostile, it seriously injures the other fish in the community, than you have no choice but to buy an Breeder Box and keep the betta in there. Or buy a separate tank for the betta entirely. A Fightn' Fish Fact: Female Betta fish can be aggressive too. It's just less likely.

How come when you tried to breed your female betta and your male betta and they just act like the other betta wasnt there?

Probably, your bettas were not ready. Remeber that in betta breeding both can be injured or die, so i would do extensive research before attempting it. To try again, put the female in a plastic container and float it in the male's tank, until he builds a good bubble nest. then put them together. if either get injured too much, separate them.

What kinds of betta are there?

There are half moon betta, delta betta, round tail betta, long tailed betta, crown tailed betta, king betta, and others I don't know of yet.