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If there are no more animals in the house you can leave them alone with her for a day,if you have to go to work.If there are other animals in the house just shut the door so they won`t get mom upset.

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14y ago

They can't leave their mom for 6-8 weeks.

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Q: How long can pups leave their mom when born?
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Related questions

How long do you leave babies with the mom after they are born?

At least a month.

When do you remove the pups from their mother?

i think you have to leave them with the mothers for a couple of weeks to a month. they have to stay with the mom for awhile,

How do you keep a first time mom dog from laying on her pups and suffocating them?

Well most first time mom dogs won't lay on their pups, but if your dog is then i would recommend to watch her really closely and never leave her in the same room with her pups. Or another solution may be to give away the pups to some of your friends or family. I truly hoped that helped :)

What is a large number of pups together called?

Puppies born from the same mom are called a litter.

What happens if hamster mom eats its pups?

If a hamster mom eats some of her pups, don't worry. It's natural. It means she doen't think she can handle all the pups so cuts down the numbers. If you don't give the mom enough to eat and drink, she will kill her pups and save them a long death of dehydration or starvation. Also, if you touch the pups, she might reject them, or eat them to protect them. It sounds wierd, but it's just nature.

Is it normal for the mom to lay on her pups?


Who babysits the wolf pups?

wolves have pups sitter do the mom can go and hunt just like a baby sitter except mom get money

How long do dogs feed ththeir young for?

Generally the Mom-dog nurses the pups for 10-12 weeks. It will depend on when and how much other food is introduced to them from the owner, and again the breed itself and number of pups whelped.... not to mention the Mom-dog's attitude!

What to do after litter of pugs are born?

You need to help mom while the pups are being born as most pug moms cannot open the sacks. Afterwards mom will lick them dry and you should give her and the pups a whelping box or a crate that has no areas that a pup can get its head stuck in and enough room so mom doesn't crush them. Baby pools work very well for this. This should be in a low traffic room and left alone. Mom will take care of the pups for at least the next 3 weeks and will need nothing from you but love. After pups are born mom will sometimes need to be forced to go outside to go potty, and offered food and water. Otherwise, her and the babies will not need much in the way of special attention.

Can you still grab the father or the mother hamster if they have babies?

You can hold the dad, but not the mom or pups. The dad should be separated from the pups but you could hold him. The mom would eat the pups if you touched them, or sometimes even her! Never touch the pups until they are old enough.

Can you leave baby girbils in with both girbils?

If you mean can you leave mom and pop both in the tank with the babies, then yes. Dad gerbil will be "sent to the couch" for a few days while mom looks after the litter, but he will be welcomed back and start caring for the pups with mom. When your gerbils are at least six weeks old, you can then separate them from mom and dad and into their separate sexes.

Why would a mom of puppies be aggressive?

To protect her pups.