

Best Answer

U can live for the least 5 the most I have heard of 18
If a person is declared to be brain dead, they are beyond any medical care that can revive them and they are not coming back to life.

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Q: How long can someone live once he is brain dead?
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How long will someone live when your brain shuts down?

If your brain shuts down completely you also cease to breath and therefore die. You may continue to live or breath by mechanical means or a respirator. But if your kept alive by a respirator and your brain is really dead are you really living?

How long do brain dead people live?

They can live indefinitely if given proper care. They will then live almost as long as anyone else that is not brain-dead. But, nobody knows if they are aware of their surroundings. They may not be able to speak but can understand everything going on around them.

How long can you live with brain cancer that can not be treated?

i don't know but by the time you read this you will be dead

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They live as long as the want to since there dead..

How long can you live after being declared Brain Dead except for gag reflex?

Once someone is declared brain dead, their body can only be maintained through artificial means, such as mechanical ventilation and medications. In the absence of brain function, the body's vital organs will eventually fail. The exact time between brain death and organ failure can vary, but it is typically a matter of days to weeks.

How long can a patient live on a respirator?

Is the patient brain dead? Is the patient on a feeding tube?

How long can a person live if your brain is dead from strokes but you are still breathing and your heart is still beating?

If your brain is dead you are dead. Because that is the thing sending all the signals for your body to still function. Agreeing to the above statement, you CAN live if you have a working brain stem, however you would be a vegetable state and that is never any fun.

How long can a brain dead person live?

Sadly while their body can continue to go on with the help of machines, their mind, their personality, and all other parts of them mentally are already gone. Once a doctor has pronounced a person brain dead he is sure of his findings and this is something that cannot be reversed. There is no blood flow in their brain and their brain does not react in any way to stimulation. A quick way to see if someone may be brain dead is shining light into their eyes; a person who is truly brain dead does not have a pupil response. Eventually this person who is brain dead is let off of machines which keep their body alive and their body dies as well. Hopefully, if the person is able to give organ donations they do so, because they could be saving other's lives.

How long does electric current flow from the brain after it dies?

If "dead" means brain dead then you've answered your own question, there is no activity left.

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till its dead till its dead till its dead

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Its Dead...