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Q: How long can you rule in a direct democracy?
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What is the difference between direct democracy and indirect democracy?

direct democracy is when each person rules and indirect is when people vote for people who rule.

What are the main types of government?

Direct Democracy, Tribal Rule, Absolute Monarchy, Dictatorship, Oligarchy, Constitutional Monarchy and Representative Democracy.

What was NOT a reason why the Framers opposed direct democracy?

Framers opposed a direct democracy for many reasons. The most important reason is because they were afraid of the rule of a majority.

What is it called when people themselves rule and don't elect people to do it for them?

Direct Democracy.

During the rule of Pericles Athenian citizens were expected to be actively involved in the political decision making process this form of governing is known as?

direct democracy.

What can not be taken away in a democracy?

The rule of the people, so long as it remains a democracy.

A form of government in which citizens rule directly and not through representatives is called?

direct democracy

What is a potential problem of a direct democracy or majority rule?

tyranny through suppression of the minority

Why is the US a direct democracy?

The US is a representative democracy, not a direct democracy. The Founders thought that the American people needed to have distance from the policies that would be considered to prevent mob-rule and keep voting among the more educated persons.

When was the Athenian democracy?

From about 500 bc to 321 bc was how long the Athenian direct democracy lasted

Why is a republic a democracy?

Democracy means "rule by the people". Republic means "rule by elected officials". Since the officials in a republic are elected, it is a form of democracy. Not all democracies are republics (direct democracy is not), and not all "republics" are actually democracies ("Islamic republics", for example). The United States is a republic and representational democracy.

Mayflower compact was an early example of what idea?

theset up a direct democracy,in which all men would vote, and the mayority would rule. the may flower compact established a tradition of direct democracy .