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This last person's unqualified answer was..."it will make you pee so much red blood and can get claged up a you will get and affection and might possibly die" stupid a response, with mis-spelled words it barely warrants a response...What deserves a reply is the initial questions because a great many of our nation's young (& older) smokers who enjoy marijuana on an occeasional basis are concerned (& rightly so) that their employmnet will be terminated if they are tested positive for cannabis. Here's the correct answer: 1st off the question is to vague to comprise a solid answer because the detection tests ability to detect positive exposure to cannabis toxins rely on; a.) The weight of the user, their body mass & how much H2O (preferably distilled) they consume after exposure, the less body fat a person has, the less amount of canabanoid toxins remain in the adipose tissue, the reason for the distilled water is that it is the only kind that allows the toxins to attach themselves to the H2O molecules as the toxins are 'leached' from the system by consuming distilled H2O, up to a gallon a day, and sweating out the toxins in a sauna, steam room or vigorous exercise b.) the frequency of use, c.) the amount of use total, (smoked 2x a week, but how much, 1 joint Friday, one Sunday, or 2 joints Saturday & a1/4 OZ. on Sunday?) Depends on total quantity and d.) THE QUALITY of the pakalolo you smoked. Higher level of THC in today's crip, chronic, dro, white widow, medical marijuana, chem dog, cush, blueberry-gooberry, etc., etc., make a HUGE difference to the amount of traceable toxins that are retained in the human body, the higher the quality, the more of a chance of detection due to greater %ages of THC in thie initial exposure Other factors abound, such as, type of test, Urine, Hair, Saliva, as well as other vaild factors such as nutritional levels, sleep deprivation & other herbs & medication that may cause a false positive... If you are worried, abstain, or utilize a fool-proof drug flush kit, but beware that tests nowadays can detect any masking agents that may be deployed...the best over-all guideline is an "avergae person of 150 lbs, at 5'7" and a relatively average BMI (Body Mass Index) of less than 20% fat, should expect one thin marijuana cigarette of poor to medimum quality marijuana (like Florida's 'mids', low qual Jamaican, most Mexican, and Columbian, 'weed' and anything under $100 an Oz. these days) MAY have a psychoactive effect anwhere from 15 min/1/2 hour after usage to 2-3 hours, and will then stay in the human adipose (fat) tissue approx. 5-15 days PER JOINT smoked or exposed to! Multiply by between 2x & 4x depending on the Grade of weed smoked, ($400 an Oz. weed stays longer, $800 even longer than that! multiply retention time by 2-4x)... AGAIN< this is A V E R A G E D out over a panel of various users of different heights, weights, and ages, with different levels of sleep deprivation, higher or lower nutirtional levels and TRUTH in disclosing their recent marijuana history! Age, BMI, amount of water consumed, exercise or sweat produced post-exposure all have their valid indicators on the scale of whether the cannabis will stay or be released from the human body. [Keep active, drink plenty of distilled water, eat sensibly & take a daily vitamin to maintain nutritional levels & get proper rest. If you were exposed to cannabanoid toxins prior to a urine test, you want to rid your self of the toxins via, distilled water consumption, (1 gal day min), sweating and perhaps even a 1-2 day fast to accelerate the bodies natural ability to shed toxins from the system. I'm not a physician and these statements have NOT been approved by the FDA, FAA, FCC< FBI or any other organization. I am just a well-seasoned 'pothead' that has been educated in the areas described above...2 joints smoked in one week can stay in the body for 30 days or longer depending on the quality (% of THC) in the marijuana!] A safe bet is a 30-45 day abstainance prior to a urine test. Hair tests are a completely different category and require more time (like 6 months) to test negatively and are the current gold standard of drug detection testing in the US. Good Luck!

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Q: How long detection time for urine test smoking 2 times a week?
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Between three and ten days, depending on how its administered, for how long and how much.

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it will stay in ur system for around 6 weeks depending on the body.. and of course drinking alot of water and cranberry juice will help minimize the length of it in ur system... but it usually takes 4-6 weeks for it to leave ur body