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Q: How long did Apollo stay on the surface of the moon?
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How long did Apollo 11 stay on the moon?

Apollo 11 stayed on the surface of the moon for 26 hours.

How long did Apollo 12 stay on the moon?

The Apollo 12 astronauts stayed on the surface of the moon, for about 26 hours.

How long did Apollo 11 stay on the moon's surface during its historic 1969 mission?

Apollo 11 had only one moon walk , so it was for 21 hours and 38 minutes.

How long did the astronauts stay on the moon surface?

In the Apollo 11 mission the astronauts spent 21 hours and 36 minutes on the surface of the moon and had a moonwalk lasting 2 hours and 31 minutes.

How long did the astronauts stay on the moon's surface?

In the Apollo 11 mission the astronauts spent 21 hours and 36 minutes on the surface of the moon and had a moonwalk lasting 2 hours and 31 minutes.

How did Apollo 11 stay on the moon surface with no gravity?

Easily, as there IS gravity on the moon, about 1/6th of the gravity on Earth.

Did Apollo 11 stay on the moon?

The Apollo 11 did stay on the moon for about roughly 26 hours.

How long did Neil armsrong stay on the moon?

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin stayed on the moon for about six hours.

How long did the 12 people stay on the moon?

Each of the Apollo astronauts stayed longer on the moon, Apollo 17 astronauts stayed the longest on the moon, they made several moon trips in their buggy.

Who had to stay on Apollo when Neil was walking on the moon?

Michael Collins stayed in orbit aboard the Apollo 11 CSM, call sign Columbia, while Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were on the moon's surface.

How long did the Apollo 11 astronauts stay on the moon?

they were there from July 16 to July 24, 1969

How long did neil Armstrong stay on the moon during Apollo 11 mission?