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Q: How long did Vivaldi play the violin and what inspired him to play the violin?
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What instruments did Antonio Vivaldi play?

Antonio Vivaldi plays flute, oboe, bassoon, cello and violin. Vivaldi already wrote more than 500 concertos and 230 of these are strings and instruments.

What did vivaldi's dad do?

He was a barber, then later moved on to become a professional violinist. He taught his sons including Antonio Vivaldi to play the violin.

How old was Vivaldi when he learned the violin?

Vivaldi was tought to play by his father Giovanni Battista. Because Vivaldi began the journyto become a preist when he was 15, he had to be younger than that.

Can men play the violin?

Of course they can! Some famous male violin players include Antonio Vivaldi, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart....there's loads!

What instrument did vivaldis father play in st.marks cathedral in Venice?

Vivaldi's father played the violin in St.mark's Cathedral in Venice.

Was Antonio Vivaldi an only child?

Antonio Vivaldi (composer) Actually never was married and never had any children he did however teach young girls to play the violin mostly ones with asthma because at the time females playing instruments was considered scandalous and he also had asthma and that is the main reason he played the violin

Can you play the violin if you have long hair?


Who are some famous performers on the violin?

David Garrett is amazing <3 He broke the world record for the fastest violin player. I love him and he has a few albums out. Look him up! Even if you don't play violin you will know he's great! And if you do play violin, like I do, you'll love him and be inspired by him even more! :)

What is used to play a violin?

you were very vauge in your question but i will answer it the best i can. to play a violin you would use a bow ( a long stick with horsehair on it) and your fingers.

Why was vivaldi a great composer?

Because he was and remains in morte, a "boss" of the highest order. I refer you to his "Four Seasons", after which God (Allah, Yaweh, a historically accurate source) named the four seasons of our year.

Does lebron play the violin?

does LeBron James play violin

How long did Albert Einstein play the violin?

71 years Albert played