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In The Bible the mourning period is broken up into 3 parts, each being less intense than the previous. The first 7 are the the most extreme, then the rest of the first 30 days, and then the rest of the first year. It is the same for a women mourning her husband.

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Q: How long did a man mourn the death of his wife in the Bible and was it the same for a woman?
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If it died during birth, she doesn't need to mourn it. If it died after a few hours or days, I would let her smell it, but don't leave it with her incase it died of disease or parasites. You don't want her to end up getting sick by having a dead pup near her. The safest thing would be to take it from her immediatly as a safety precaution.

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The Bible does not provide a specific duration for how long people mourned after the death of John the Baptist. However, it can be inferred that his death deeply impacted his followers and those who respected him as a prophet.