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Q: How long did egyptians wait after they put natron in a body during mummification?
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How is natron used juring mummification?

Natron crystals were used so the body didn't rot.

What is name of the salt which the body was soaked in during mummification?

There is no definite answer, but many believe that mummies were embalmed with natron salts, which is a mixture of different salts and occurs naturally in salt lakes. Fun fact: the chemical symbol for sodium, Na, comes from "natron."

What does natron salt accomplish?

Natron is a salty chemical found near Cairo, Wadi-Natron, and south of Thebes. Egyptians used natron to embalm the body which took 70 days. Embalmers used natron to preserve the dead body and their organs. The bodies were placed in natron and embalmers packed the inside of the body with natron. This was to dry out the body and preserve it for the afterlife. Embalmers may have reused the natron. Ancient Egyptians had to preserve the body because they believed that if the body decayed the person's seven spirits would be lost forever and the spirit would never pass to the afterlife. Therefore, natron played an important role in the mummification process.

Why did Egyptians use the chemical natron?

Egyptians Used The Chemical Natron To Dry Out The Body And Prevent It Rotting Away

What is natron and how do you use it?

To make Natron you will need Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) and Sodium Chloride (Table Salt). Measure equal quantities of both 50/50 and mix together. Important Note: Natron is a desiccant which means that it absorbs water. You should therefore keep your mix in an airtight container to prevent it from adsorbing moisture from the atmosphere. Ancient Egyptians left human bodies in Natron for around 4 0 days to completely dry however, you will need to experiment with these times dependant on the size of the specimen to be mummified.

What did the ancient Egyptians used to dry out the body during mummification?

they used salt

What does natron do?

natron presirves the body and is only found in dessert lakes. natron is a big part in mummification because the body needs to be small to wrap. -isaiah Williams Stanley middle school.

What does natron salt do?

natron presirves the body and is only found in dessert lakes. natron is a big part in mummification because the body needs to be small to wrap. -isaiah Williams Stanley middle school.

Why was the molten resins used in mummification?

Ancient Egyptians would use molten resin to stuff this material in the mummy's body during the process of mummification.

What is the mummification ceremony?

The mummification ceremony was a ritual performed in ancient Egypt to preserve the bodies of the deceased. It involved several steps, including washing the body with wine or a solution of natron, removing the internal organs, and drying the body with natron. Afterward, the body was wrapped in linen bandages and placed in a sarcophagus or coffin for burial.

What was natron used for in ancient Egypt?

it was used to make the dead body smell good, and to stuff it too

How did Egyptians religious practice of mummification effect the field of medicine?

When Egyptians did mummification they learned about what is in the human body and found out a lot about it.