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it took exactly 10 hours and 46 minutes for the apollo six to reach the moon

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Q: How long did it take for Apollo 6 to get to the moon?
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How long did Apollo 6 take to get to the moon?

There was no Apollo 6. The first manned Apollo mission was Apollo 7. The first Apollo mission to go to the moon was Apollo 8, the first to land was Apollo 11.

How long did Apollo 11 take to get to the moon and back?

It took Apollo three days to go to the moon and another three days to return, so it was a six day flight.

How long did it take to build the Apollo 11?

6 Years. Than NASA launched it and it made the first man on the moon!

Did Apollo six land on the moon?

Apollo 6 was an unmanned test flight, which was not intended to reach the moon. Apollo 8 was the first to orbit the moon. Apollo 11 was the first to land on the moon.

How long does it take to get to the moon from earth using a space shuttle?

The Space Shuttle is incapable of traveling to the moon. The only manned spacecraft to travel to the moon was the Apollo spacecraft, which flew 9 lunar missions in the late 1960s and early 70s. Of these lunar missions, 6 successfully landed on the moon. Since Apollo 17 in 1972, no humans have visited the moon. The Apollo spacecraft, however, took about three days to reach the moon.

How many times has man been to the moon?

6 Apollo missions landed on the moon. An earlier Apollo mission (Apollo 8) had gone to the moon and orbited it, but did not land.

How long did it take for Apollo 11 to reach the moon?

Apollo 11 launched June 16, 1969. After doing one and a half orbits around the Earth, the astronauts were off to the moon. The trip took 4 days, 6 hours, and 45 minutes.

How any moon landings were on the moon?

Apollo 11-17 (with exception of Apollo 13; just watch the movie): 6.

What is the Apollo and did it ever reach the moon?

The Apollo program landed 12 men, over 6 missions, on the moon's surface.

How many Apollo spacecrafts landed on the moon?

6 Apollo 11 Apollo 12 Apollo 14 Apollo 15 Apollo 16 Apollo 17

How many Apollo landings were there on the moon?


How long is Apollo 6 from wing to wing?

Not only was there no Apollo 6, but the Apollo spacecraft did not have wings.