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The South Tower collapsed 56 minutes after being hit, and the North Tower 102 minutes after being hit. Once the buildings began to fall, each took less than 30 seconds to fully collapse. The South Tower, though hit second, collapsed first.

Parts of the South Tower reached the ground about 9 seconds after its collapse began at 9:59 AM EDT, approximately 56 minutes after being hit. The central core of the lower 40 floors caved in within 25 seconds thereafter. Debris flattened or filled the seven basement levels within a few seconds.

The TV mast and roof from the North Tower struck the ground about 11 seconds after the descent began, at 10:28 AM EDT, 102 minutes after being hit. The central core of the lower 60 floors completely collapsed within 10 to 15 seconds after being bypassed by the falling upper floors.

Most of the interior collapse was hidden by dust and debris, which also spread over the surrounding buildings and streets.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Sadly, the Twin Towers of the Original World Trade Center in New York City collapsed before firefighters could fully contain the raging blaze, which had already consumed much of the upper and middle floors.

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13y ago

The elapsed time from the moment American Airlines Flight 11 struck the North tower until both towers had crashed to Ground Zero was 102 minutes.

The enormous weight of the floors above the impact-zone made the towers fall at near free-fall speeds, over 9,2seconds, from the time they started to fall and the time they hit the ground was about 10 seconds. Its a real shame :(

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14y ago

Days and it was still smoldering weeks later. The rescue people today suffer from various illness because of breathing in the smoke and dust from the rubble. I think several have died from it.

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12y ago

For north tower it took 1 hour and 42 minutes to collapse

For south tower it took 56 minutes to collapse

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14y ago

it took about 11 hours

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13y ago

56 minutes

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