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Quite a long time, the decision was made after they actually started killing.

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Q: How long did it take for the germans to decide that they were going to kill the jews in the holocaust?
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What did the Germans do with the Jews' clothes in the Holocaust?

recycled them

Who killed Jews in the holocaust?

the natzi's killed the Jews in the hollicost.

Why was the word boycott important to the Holocaust?

Because that is what the Germans did to the Jews during the holocaust.

Were there any survivors after the Germans killed the Jews?

Yes. A small number of Jews survived the Holocaust.

What made the Germans back down in the Holocaust againt the Jews?

This is an odd question as the Germans did not 'back down'.

Who were the group of people related to the holocaust?

Germans were on the one side, and Jews were on the other.

How did the nazis convince germans about the holocaust?

To make Germans think the Jews should be executed

Mass slaughter of Jews?

The Germans at the time called it "the Final solution". The Jews to whom it was done call it the "holocaust". What ever it was called it was a genocide of massive proportions.

Are all Germans bad during the Holocaust?

Not all, mostly just the soldiers and the Germans who believed the lie that Jews were evil

What did the Germans make the Jews do during the holocaust?

They made them die violent deaths by the millions.

Was Jews the only people killed during the holocaust?

No, most were jews, but there were, homosexuals and gypysies. Maybe a few germans aswell.

Which commonly used term to describe the killing of Jews by the Germans was coined by Elie Wiesel?
