

How long did it take moses to find the Hebrews?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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He didn't have to search, because he knew where they were.

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Q: How long did it take moses to find the Hebrews?
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Why do Moses succeed?

Moses succeeded because he obeyed God and had the king of Egypt to let the Hebrews go away for slavery. even if he tried to take back the Hebrews as slave's God protected them through the red sea. (this answer is the true answer. believe it I'm a Christian)

How did Moses and Abraham shape the history of the Hebrew people?

Answer 1Abraham shaped the Hebrew history by being told by God himself, or believed that He did tell him, to leave his own home, and settle into Canaan where his descendants-the Hebrews-- finally settled also, but later, some of the Hebrews moved to Egypt, (they moved to other parts of the world later). However, with the growth of the Hebrews, the pharaoh of Egypt, was worried the Hebrews soon might take over, and to stop that from happening, he made the Hebrews slaves. A man named Moses appeared among the Hebrews in Egypt. God told Moses to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt. Moses then went to the pharaoh and demanded that the Hebrews should be free. The pharaoh refused. Soon afterward a series of plagues (disasters) struck Egypt and the pharaoh then agreed to let the Hebrews free.Christian answer:They both spread the word about God and Jesus.Jewish answer:Abraham founded Judaism.Moses brought the Israelites out of Egypt and received the Torah from God.

How long did it take Moses to get down from the mountain?

Moses was on the mountain for forty days and nights.

Which story was Moses in?

Moses was in the Book of the Exodus, which describes the life of Moses. Moses was sent down the Nile River by his mother to save him from his death. The Pharaoh's wife finds Moses and takes him as a sign from the gods. Moses grows up as a prince of Egypt with Ramses II. Soon, Moses finds his sister, also finding out that he is not an Egyptian, but a Hebrew. He runs away from Egypt after killing an Egyptian while trying to protect a Hebrew slave. He lives in the desert for many years living with a tribe of Hebrews. One day, Moses finds the burning bush and received a message from God. He says that Moses must go back to Egypt to free his people. So Moses did as told, but the pharaoh, Ramses II, did not free the Hebrews. God got angry, and sent 10 plagues down on Egypt consisting of insects and gross bugs. On the last plague, Ramses's son died. Ramses agreed to have Moses's people go. when they made it to the Red Sea, Ramses decided to take back the decision and send his troops out to retrieve the Hebrews, but God let the Hebrews go through the Red Sea without harm and flushed all of Ramses's troops. Moses finds Canaan with all of the other Hebrews and lives a good life.

Why did the ancient Hebrews leave Egypt?

During that time the ancient Hebrews also known as Jews were slaves of the Egyptians. They were not treated very well, they were treated very cruel and forced to do the work of the Egyptians such as building enormous statues and farming. In the Bible it explains that a man named Moses, who was found by the wife of the Egyptian King when he was a baby. He was found in a basket in the Nile River, even though the wife knew the baby was a Hebrew or Jew she kept him and told no one. when he grew up someone i believe in the palace told the king that his son was a Hebrew and that he could no longer become the next king to the thrown. His brother Ramses would take the thrown and Moses would be a slave. either moses ran away or he was abandoned from Egypt and left. He would then find the burning bush which was the spirit of God that over took it. the spirit of God tells moses to free the Hebrews out of Egypt and he does except Ramses was very stubborn. When ramses tells moses no the first time moses tells God and then moses is then order to warn Ramses to listen or else many bad things will happen known as the "10 plagues of Egypt" (look up the plagues of Egypt and you will find a list of what happened to the Egyptians) scientist even have proof of the plagues having happened) By the last plague moses was able to take all the Hebrews out but then Ramses decides to chase them back. When Moses and the Hebrews come across the Red sea he uses his staff to separate the waters with the power of God allowing them to get across. Scientist also have proof of this. when they got across he let go and the waters washed the Egyptian soldiers away.

How long does it take to drive from yakima to moses lake?

a little over an hour.

Who did the Hebrews believe that they had a covenant?

They believed that they have a covenant with God. Today they are called Jews, and they still believe this (although this belief is very personal and may take many different forms).

Why did she have to give Moses up?

the story from the bible is that the pharoe of Egypt orderd all hebrews to become his slaves and he also commanded that all new born males were to be murdered so that they could not take the place of pharoe. when moses' mother heard of this she put moses in a basket and pushed him down the nile to save him. the person who found him was the pharoe's daughter.

When Moses asks for his name what answer does God give to him and what does the word mean?

moses did not ask God for his name, according to the bible, moses grew up in pharaoh palace, he was taken by the daughter of pharaoh when she was going to take her bath in the river where he was put in a basket by his mother because king pharaoh ask the soldiers to kill every male son of the hebrews.

Why did God delay the response in answering the Hebrews to be delivered out of Egypt?

why did god take so long to deliver israel from egyph

How long did the journey take to Canaan last after Moses led the Hebrew slaves out of Egypt?

three months

How long did it take for the Hebrews to wander through the desert?

The bible states that it took the Hebrew people a total of 40 years wandering in the wilderness.