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The Great Peace lasted for 265 years from 1603-1868.

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Q: How long did japan enjoy the great peace from the start of Tokugawa rule?
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When was japan the great peace?

Great Peace; Japan's always have been great peace, just not as popular as it was back in the 1700's. Japan has a-lot of great peace artifishons

How was Japan unified and none the political figures that unified Japan?

Before the start of the Edo period a shogun named Tokugawa Ieyasu united Japan thus creating an era of peace.

How did the Edo Era of great peace begin?

It began in 1603 with the assumption of the Tokugawa family to leadership. Gradually, however, it devolved into seclusion.

What did tokugawa ieyasu do in 1600?

Took over and brought peace to Feudal Japan, 1603 he became the first shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate, ruled for 2 more yrs after that and then resigned from ruler of japan but was still one of the most powerful people in Japan. Hope it helped I'm doing a assignment on it myself and asked this question and already had that info so i posted it. B.M

Why did the armys stop using ninjas?

IN Japan, the use of Ninja rapidly declined when tokugawa Ieyasu became shogun. THe Sengoku period was over, and Japan was at peace for around 250 years. Since Japan was isolated, they didn't need to worry about foreign invaders, and the Tokugawa remained strong, so the ninja weren't necessary. However, some ninja acted as bodyguards for the Shoguns.

How did life in japan change under the tokugawa?

The Tokugawa Shogunate gave the Japanese peace, but at the price of a heavy handed control. They instituted a Sword Hunt, that only gave the Samurai the ability to have weapons. They also imposed a very exacting four tier class structure that enforced rules on even the most minute detail.

When was the Tokugawa Era?

The Tokugawa was approximately 250 years of peace and prosperity for the Japanese people. It dated from the 1600s to about 1868.Tokugawa Ieyasu was Hideyoshi's successor in 1600. He claimed the title of shogun and set up the Tokugawa shogunate which lasted until 1868.

Japan isolated itself for more than 300 years from the mid-1500s to the mid 1800s what was the effect of the isolation?

The effect of Japan isolating itself for more than 300 years was peace, stability and prosperity. Europeans were spreading Christianity and trading then and this was feared by the Japanese ruler Tokugawa.

How could Great Britain prevent the war between china ans japan?

Well great Britain could of made a peace treaty.

What are the three leaders who brought peace to japan?

The first leader, Oda Nobunaga worked to bring japan "under a single sword." He did not fully succeed, but did much to reduce the warlords' power. The second leader, Toyotomi Hideyoshi united Japan in 1590. The peace was held together only by personal loyalty, and when Hideyoshi died, clans began to quarrel once gain. The third leader, Tokogawa Leysu united the country once more in 1600. He founded a new capital at Edo, where he could watch over them. This finally ended the violence and the Tokugawa family ruled a peaceful, unified Japan until 1868.

Why did the great depression threaten world peace?

japan by invading china, Germany the UK and France gave them what they wanted

Was the peace ribbon given by japan tied to the a-bomb dropped on japan?
