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Q: How long did the Maya sustain civilization in the forest?
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The Olmec had died out long before European settlement.

What might scientist study to find out the end of Maya civilization?

Scientist have learned that the region suffered from a long dry period and droughts for about 150 years.

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it cant sustain lava

What made the Maya civilization unique?

They invented a number system including the number 0.

What were the characteristics of Maya civilization during the classic period?

The defining characteristics of the Maya are militarism (glorification of the military), human sacrifice, and the modern calendar

What crops grow in the Tropical Rainforest?

Actually, unless the rain forest is cleared there are no crops in the forest. The soil of the rain forest is not good for growing crops once the land is cleared of trees. The ecosystem of the rain forest is a special place. Some do try to clear the forest and plant crops like potatoes and coffee beans, but it is hard to sustain them for long periods of time.

How long did the Maya last?

Not long enough.

How long the Maya lasted?

Not long enough.

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as long as you need

A timeline for Maya angelou?

sorry we cannot do a timeline of Maya angelou it will take to long

What is the long scar smashed into the jungle described on the first page of the novel?

The long scar smashed into the jungle is a metaphor for the path cut through the forest by the crashed plane. It represents destruction, impact, and the intrusion of civilization into nature.

How long did the Maya civilization survive?

The Maya started before recorded history. The last records show of it starting before 1500 BC. Over six million Maya still exist today, so the Maya never actually disappeared, nor the civilization actually died.