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Q: How long did the cholera pandemic?
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How could cholera cause a pandemic?

Cholera can not cause pandemic today, unless there is some natural calamity. There were cholera pandemic in past, due to lack of knowledge about cholera and lack of hygiene.

How long does cholera last?

if the correct treatment and vaccines are taken than cholera can be cured

Cholera how long is it contagious?

it is 100 years

How long was the influenza Pandemic of 1918?

18 months

How can technolagy and immunization help in the prevenbtion and the spread of cholera?

Cholera immunization protect only 60 % of the patients. That is the opportunity to give the health education to the patient, regarding the prevention of the cholera. By proper sanitation and personal hygiene you can go a long way to prevent cholera.

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How long does it take for cholera to kill you?

It can take as little as a few hours.

When did scientists discover how cholera was spread?

Cholera bacteria was first isolated by Filipo pancini 1812-1883, 84 years before he was actually credited with its discovery. A paper was published by him in in 1854 during the Asiatic cholera pandemic of 1846-63. in it he has the description of the cholera causing organism and its relationship to the disease. It was titled Microscopical observations and pathological deductions on cholera.

What are the different types of vibrio cholera?

Vibrio cholera-01Vibrio cholera-0139Vibrio cholera-non-01Vibrio cholera-non-0139

What is a pandemic flu?

Pandemic Flu Pandemic refers to contagious or infectious diseases that are usually worldwide or spread across several continents. Some examples of diseases that have caused past pandemics would be cholera, small pox, the bubonic plague, typhus, the Spanish flu, and the Asian flu. Flu refers to influenza. Human influenza pandemics, such as the 2009 novel swine flu (A-H1N1/09) pandemic, are caused by the influenza virus subtypes of A-H1N1. A-H1N1/09 is the subtype that caused this recent swine flu pandemic. It was declared a pandemic on June 11, 2009 by WHO (World Health Organisation). A flu virus that becomes prevalent throughout the world (Apex)

What is a sentence using cholera?

cholera is poopy.

How does a cholera vaccination make you immune to cholera?

In cholera vaccination you are injected the dead cells of cholera. So you get antibodies to cholera. This vaccine is not very effective. The protection rate is some where 50 to 60 % only. So you can not keep faith on the vaccine for protection from cholera.