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It is difficult to know how long dinosaurs have lived. However it seems that the smaller the animal is the shorter the lifespan is. So it could be that a dinosaur like a Hypsilophodon might only live to about 20 years, but this is guess work by what I have read. A Velociraptor is also a small dinosaur approximately 6 feet long so they are about the same size as the Hypsilophodon, and the web-page below was guess that a velociraptor might live to 20 years. Reference: http:/

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The current paleontological evidence suggests that theropods (carnivorous dinosaurs) lived fast and died young. Sue, the famous Tyrannosaurus Rex at the Field Museum in Chicago is calculated to be an older adult at the ripe age of 30 years old. Dilophosaurus was smaller than a T-Rex, about 20' to a Rex's 40'. Dinosaurs appear to have been the fastest growing animals known (based on bone histology) and they apparently lived for about 20 or 40 years for theropods and a little more (around 50) for sauropods.

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Q: How long did the deinosuchus live?
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When was Deinosuchus created?

Deinosuchus was created in 1909.

Which is bigger sarcosuchus or deinosuchus?

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Was deiniosuchus the biggest dinosaur?

No. Deinosuchus was an crocodilian, not a dinosaur. Dinosaurs far bigger than deinosuchus are known.

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Is a phobosuchus a Deinosuchus?

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Scientists found deinosuchus bones in a large dried swamp in East Texas. They guessed that this alligator giant was adapted to live in large, quiet swamps of the prehistoric era. It's also likely they resided in rivers and lakes, big and deep enough for them to lie in wait for potential prey.

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What are crocodiles relatives?

Alligators,gharials,caimans,sarcosuchus,deinosuchus,and other crocodiles.

Was Deinosuchus a relative of the alligator?

The difference between a croc and a gator is there snout. Crocs have a "V" shaped snout and gators have a "U" shaped snout. Since Deinosuchus have a more "U" shaped snout, it's a relative of the alligator.

What is the normal weight of a deinosuchus?

i say it is about 8.5 metric tons (9.4 short tons)

Is the deinosuchus still living today?

It is still living today but a smaller version of it. It is the alligator.

How did Deinosuchus get its name?

When Adam from the Bible named all the animals of the earth, he named them dinosaurs.