

How long did the giant ground sloth existed?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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For tens of thousands of years, with the last known ground sloths having gone extinct as recently as 1550 A.D. in the Carribean.

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How long did giant ground sloth live?

it lived for 67 years

What are facts about giant ground sloths?

Hairy Ground Sloths lived about 1 million years ago. These huge animals, as large as elephants roamed what is now North and South America. The Ground Sloth is a huge Extinct animal of the sloth family. The largest ground Sloth was 20 feet long and as big as an elephant. The Ancestors of the Hairy Ground Sloths of the ground sloths lived in trees and used there hooked claws to hang from the branch. Ground sloth is a diverse group of extinct sloths. The giant ground sloth lived in what is now South America. Taller than a modern day elephant, it became extinct as recently as five thousand years ago.

What is the size of a Ground Sloth?

a Sloth would be about 50cms long and weigh about 4.5kgs

Is giant sloth excint?

yes a long time ago

How big is the giant ground sloth?

Their sloths that look reallly big. More than usual.

What does the monster in Cloverfield look like?

i saw looks like a giant whale with gills,and a really long tail.....giant verison of a sloth.

Where did the giant ground sloths live?

for as long as we known they have been found around the southern tip of Australia probably after the super continent started separating. it is not sure how or what they survived on because the giant sloth had a weak digestive system and most plant material they ate were very hard to find.

How long is a sloth?

a sloth is 2-2.5 feet

How long would it take for Steve the sloth to get across a football field as in Steve i mean the fastest sloth If you answer this i really need to thank you because this is for a book report?

about 17.39 hours depending on wind speed and ground conditions.

How long can a sloth live?

A sloth can live up to 40 years.

How long are sloth bears?

1cm long

How long are the sloth's claws?

About 4 inches long.