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Q: How long did the panic last and how was order restored?
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The panic lasted no more than two hours, during which time the militiamen were tasked with bringing the city back under control while operating their trucks. Via their megaphones, they made it abundantly clear that the dam had not broken and that uncertainty and poor communication was to blame for the entire terrifying spectacle. Those who can run four to twelve miles made it back to work using a variety of fictitious justifications.

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Yes in fact damaged ecosystems can be restored but it takes a long long time.

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it dependsif you truley are a lesbian you will stay that way but if your just in a stage it willstop dont panic it will stop

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The symptoms of Todd's paralysis are often gone within minutes or hours of their onset. In some, more rare cases, the symptoms may last as long as 48 hours. Ultimately, however, full function is restored.

How can panic long and fat?

Your question is incoherent.

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2 years

Is there any way in which tourism can be restored in Europe how long will it take?

Tourism has never stopped in Europe so it does not need to be restored