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pine snake can up to about 20 years in captivity, so expect to be in it for the long hoal

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Q: How long do Northern Pine Snakes live in captivty?
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Where do northern water snakes live?

Mostly explained in the name, "Water" Snakes live in streams, etc.

What kind of snakes live in a pine forest?

yes. the kind depends on which forest

What countries do pine martens live in?

Dense conifer forests in northern Wisconsin

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yes llamas can live in captivty as such this is the only way that the species is still alive as it is extinct in the wild

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boa snakes live in ... RAIN FOREST snakes live in deserts, decidious forest, south America and more!

What types of snakes are found in Virginia?

Both venomous and non venomous snakes live in Virginia. Venomous snakes include the Northern Copperhead, Eastern Cottonmouth, and the Timber Rattlesnake. Some of the non venomous snakes in Virginia are the Eastern Worm snake, Northern Scarlet snake, and the Northern black racer snake.

Do copperhead snakes live in northern ny?

No. Northern Copperheads are primarily located in the Hudson Valley region down state.

What is a Scarlet Kingsnakes habitat?

Scarlet King Snakes, habitats are pinelands, and hardwood hammocks.

What small burrowing animals live in northern California?

snakes, moles, voles, gophers, and squirrels.

What snakes live in berks county pa?

At least these snakes are confirmed to be present - Northern Copperhead Timber Rattlesnake Black Racer Northern Ringneck Snake Eastern Milk Snake Northern Water Snake Eastern Rat Snake source -

What animals live in grassy places?

Lots of smaller animals like rabbits, foxes, pine martens, squirrels, and also sloths and mice and snakes.

Where are most snakes found?

Snakes, like most reptiles, are most numerous and common in the tropical regions of the planet. The further from the tropics, in either the northern or southern hemispheres, you get, the lesser the diversity of reptiles and amphibians.