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Q: How long do bluegill fish stay good frozen?
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How long is a bluegill fish?

Less than a foot

How long does a brim fish live?

The brim fish, also called bluegill, bream, and pond perch, usually lives 4 (four) to 6 (six) years.

Are shrimps good once they have been unthawed?

I assume you mean thawed - unthawed is refrozen! As long as that was the only time they have been frozen, they will be perfectly good. Most shell food and fish is perfectly good after being frozen, but beware, many supermarket fish/shellfish, have been frozen before being defrosted and put on display. Check the label to be sure.

How long does it take to thaw frozen fish that were in nitrogen?

3 million years

Is sushi fish frozen first?

It does not have to be, but often is to preserve the fresh flavors of the fish while it is being transported long distances.

How long does Chinese fish ball last I had it for 1 month frozen?

It last pretty long. You can still cook it.

How good is turkey bacon good for if frozen?

I think you mean how long is turkey bacon good for if frozen, and that depends on the brand of turkey bacon.

How big do bluegill have to be to keep in Pennsylvania?

20 inches long

How long will uncooked fish last after thawing in the refrigerator?

Fish does not last long in the refrigerator. Depending upon the type of fish and assuming it was fresh when frozen, thawed fish could keep up to 5 days refrigerated. But it would be best to use the fish as soon as it is thawed. See Related Links. You can also cook fish from frozen.

What is the process that took place when a frozen fish is place outside for a long time?

Gain heat

How long can pork be good after being frozen for 5 years?

It likely is not good anymore. Even frozen, the fats can become rancid.

How long does spaghetti stay good frozen?

About three days