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Q: How long do evergreen and coniferous trees and shrubs keep their needles?
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Why do coniferous forests not lose their needles?

Coniferous trees do not lose their needles because they are called "evergreen" trees which means the tree stays green for ever!

What does non-coniferous mean?

Non-coniferous is another term for a deciduous tree. Deciduous trees and shrubs shed their leaves each year in the fall. Coniferous trees are evergreen.

What does coniferous and disiguous mean?

Coniferous means that trees or shrubs have cones or pointed needles. Deciduous means that trees shed their leaves annually. While some examples of coniferous trees are firs and spruce, deciduous trees are oak and maple.

What does non coniferous mean?

Non-coniferous is another term for a deciduous tree. Deciduous trees and shrubs shed their leaves each year in the fall. Coniferous trees are evergreen.

What is Coniferous woodland?

Coniferous trees are trees that produce seeds in a cone, such as pines and firs.There is no word such as conferous but there is coniferous.Relating to or part of trees or shrubs bearing cones and evergreen leaves

What trees have needle like leaves that produce food all year long?

"I retain my needles all year long. I am a coniferous" - Biology

Scientific name for trees that don't lose their leaves?

Those are called artificial trees. Evergreen trees do not lose all their leaves at the same time, but DO lose leaves (needles).

What is the difference between a deciduous tree and coniferous tree?

Coniferous trees bear cones as their seed pods. Softwood comes from Coniferous trees and hardwood comes from Deciduous trees. Coniferous trees have needles, deciduous trees have leaves. Coniferous trees never completely shed their needles, while deciduous trees shed their leaves in autumn for the winter (and grow new ones in the spring). Coniferous trees stay green all year round, also known as evergreens.

What do evergreen trees have that diciduous do not have?


What are the charicteristics of evergreen trees?


What trees don't lose there leaves in winter?

Coniferous (conifer) trees such as pines, spruces, cedars and fir trees do not loose their leaves (needles or scale like leaves). Think Christmas trees. Some conifers such as the Larch do lose their needles in winter. Trees that do not lose their leaves in winter are called evergreens.

Is a spruce deciduous?

No. Spruce is an evergreen. ------ WRONG!!!!!!! Coniferous trees have small, waxy and usually narrow leaves (needles or flat scales). 'Coniferous' means that it is a cone-bearing tree. The most common conifers are spruces, pines and firs. Alternative names used for coniferous trees are evergreens, softwoods and (appropriately enough) conifers. However, the name evergreen is not really a good synonym. Laurel, acacia and eucalyptus are also evergreens, and although not deciduous, they are not cone-bearing trees (they also definitely have leaves rather than needles). Therefore spruce is not deciduous, it is coniferous