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No. Were they come from they do not need toThey do, some people "hibernate them" when they want to breed them.If it is a pet in a temperate climate it may "slow down" eat less and be out less in the fall and winter, that is OK. Be concerned if it is not eating at all and getting thin. Talk to someone that specializes in reptiles (most locally-owed pet stores that sell them)if it gets too thin.


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14y ago
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10y ago

Reptiles do not hibernate, they go through a process known as "brumating/brumate" Reptiles are exothermic and require a stable ambient temperature to thrive. When a country/region is in it's winter months, where temperatures are slightly lower and the amount of sunlight is cut down, a gecko will go through brumation. Their metabolism slows down significantly and they reduce the amount of energy exerted on a day to day basis. Feedings will usually cut down and females are taking a break from the breeding season.

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6y ago

Reptiles do not hibernate, mammals do. Species of reptile bromate during colder weather. Geckos kept in captivity do not need to bromate as their temperatures are regulated in our homes at all times. If your gargoyle is looking sluggish and not acting its normal self, ensure that the: temperature and moisture is regulated at the proper temps, their diet is consisting of a MRP and live food and that they have ample space to climb as they are arboreal species of gecko.

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13y ago

They have semi-hibernation. They sleep half of winter. And the other half awake.

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10y ago

Geckos that are typically seen in the state of North Carolina do hibernate during the winter months. This is because the temperature drops too low to sustain them.

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10y ago

Reptile species do not hibernate. These animals brumate. Meaning that they are still awake and lively, although their metabolism and eating habits have cut back significantly.

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16y ago

most wild geckos and all herps hibernate

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Q: Do crested gecko lizards hibernate
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What are the top ten lizards?

bearded dragon leopard gecko tuga skink crested gecko monitor chameleon legless lizard gecko iguana

Can a crested gecko mate with another type of crested gecko?

A crested gecko is a crested gecko, i think you may have mistaken this as morphs or you meant another species of gecko; if another species of gecko, no, if another morph yes.

What is better a crested gecko or a golden gecko?

Crested Gecko. Golden Geckos are much faster and don't like being held. Get a crested gecko.

The crested gecko is found in what part of the world?

The crested gecko is a species of gecko native to southern New Caledonia. This creatures are also known as New Caledonian Crested Gecko, Guichenot's Giant Gecko or Eyelash Gecko.

How much day gecko food do you feed a crested gecko?

You do not feed your crested gecko Day gecko diet. The diet your speaking of Is produced by Repashy or T-Rexx, both of these manufacturer's create a Meal replacement powder designed specifically for crested geckos. Crested gecko diet.

Are crested geckos good with other lizards?

Crested geckos are solitary creatures, as with most gecko species. They will only interact with one of the same species during breeding season. Males will seek out females and copulate then leave and carry on, seeking another mate. If two males confront one another, they will fight for rights to breed and territory. Other species of lizards as well as other gecko species, should not be housed with crested geckos.

Is a clamp necessary for a crested gecko cage?

The Crested Gecko is a species of gecko indigenous to New Caledonia. Unlike other reptiles, this species of gecko is nocturnal and does not require a clamp lamp.

Can you house a crested gecko with a helmeted gecko?

no, crested geckos are solitary animal they will kill and might eat the other animal

What is the average growth time for a crested gecko?

Typically a crested gecko wil take 24months to reach full maturity.

Do lizards hibernate under logs?

Yes a lizards do hibernate under a logs.

How do you care for a crested gecko?

feed it

Can a giant day gecko live with a crested gecko?

no crested geckos are solitary animal's, and will kill and might eat the other animal.