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This is a question which you should be asking of the admissions department of the college to which you would like to transfer, rather than asking us.

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Q: How long do i have to wait before i transfer from a college in the US and can i transfer before the semester starts?
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If you are attending a college or university that operates on a semester system, then the next regular semester would start in either late August, or early September depending on on the school. However, registration could start anywhere from may through September once again depending on the school.

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Semesters length depends on which institution you're attending. Generally, the fall semester ends in December, before Christmas. Spring semesters usually end in May, but can vary over a few weeks.

What is semester system?

For a college or university that operates on a two semester academic year, a semester is approximately 16 weeks. Fall semester runs from September through December, and Spring semester from January through May. Although less frequent, there are some schools that run on quarter semesters which are three 11 week semesters with the fourth being optional, and the trisemester which are two semesters with the third being optional.

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Some of the best college saving plans require a long time planning before hand. There are some savings plans at the bank that take minimal amounts from your bank account every month and transfer it over and then it starts to grow with interest.

When does the second semester start?

1 Quarter is 9 weeks. So the second quarter of school starts October 17.

When does school start for traditional schools?

It depends where you are. In America, it starts in August. We have 2 semesters though. The 1st semester starts in August and ends in December. The 2nd semester starts in January and ends in July/June.

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Swim season. Swimming begin when fall semester starts, and ends in late March with the national championships.

What are the dates of a college year?

Um, I'm not sure what you mean. If you mean a school year, it depends on the school/collece, but usually starts around Augustand goes through the summer until the next year starts in the fall. If you mean a specific college's schedule for a year or a semester, you'll have to look that up on the specific college's site. They will have the deadlines for application, the dates that classes start, major vacation dates, and dates for classes ending, etc. for each semester... or at least the ones coming up relatively soon.

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College football season normal starts before the NFL season does. College is normally 3 weeks into their season before the pros start.