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They dissolve after some time.

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Q: How long do internal stitches stay in the abdomen or do they stay in?
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How long do stitches stay in?

6 to 8 weeks

How long do dogs paw stitches stay in?

10 days

How long should e collar stay on dog after been spayed?

Until the stitches have been removed.

How long do stiches have stay in in the testis?

Usually doctors out absorbable or "disappearing" stitches in the testes, these usually dissolve on their own in about ten days.

How long do stiches stay in?

The doctor who put them in will be able to best judge how long they need to be left in, but on average stitches on the face should be left in for 3-5 days, stitches on the body or scalp 7-10 days, and stitches on extremities 10-14 days. When a stitch is put in on a joint like the elbow or knee, the wound will take longer to heal and stitches should be left in for a full two weeks. Stitches being left in for too long risk infection and painful extraction and stitches removed too soon can result in the wound opening up again. (WikiAnswers and all contributors are not responsible for the advice given. This advice is given for informational use only and should not not constitute or replace professional medical advice.)

How long do stitches stay in after laparoscopic surgery?

The stiches are covered by tape and are usually of the disolvable type.So if after a couple of weeks when the wound has healed and they have not disolved see your doctor to have them removed.

Can you ski with stitches?

Well, it depends. How long have you had stitches? And where? if you got them 6 days ago then probably not. I mean you can but what I'm trying to point out is you shouldn't. You should ask your doctor what you should do. If you got stitches in you cranium or your femur. Then you shouldn't. You should stay in bed and rest. If you ski and fall, it could damage your head. Mostly if the injury was found in your tarsals or your femur then you really shouldn't. THANKS

Can you skateboard with stitches?

It kind of depends on where the stitches are. As long as the stitches are somewhere that they won't be stretching and pulling, you should be okay. If it is somewhere where the skin will be stressing during the boarding, hold off until they are removed. It hurts like crazy to have stitches rip, and it will mess the wound up even worse. Also, keep in mind if it is somewhere you are likely to scrape on the concrete or asphalt if you trip or bust, you are likely to mess them up too. If they are on a hand or knee, you might also want to hold up. Be careful not to sweat the stitches all up. The area needs to stay clean and dry.

How many days do stitches stay in?

One week from my personal experience- the time could vary in different situations.

What is seed stitch in knitting?

Seed stitch is also known as moss stitch. It is when you knit one purl one throughout but in the next row the purl stitches are above the knit stitches in the previous one (like a chequerboard) unlike ribbing where the knit and purl stitches stay in the same column.

How long do stitches stay in after wisdom teeth?

Around a week, give or take a day or two. Depends on the type of stitch, number and location.

How long do the stitches stay in after spaying?

After an ovariohysterectomy (spay), the abdominal sutures should remain in place a minimum of 14 days (two weeks). This allows the underlying tissues to heal so that when the sutures are removed, the abdominal wall remains closed.